Council accepts draft principles Equal marriage law Open to LGBTQ+ couples

Parliament, House resolution 369 : 10 accepting the principles of the equal marriage law. Open for LGBTQ+ couples to accept differences - Muslim MPs reserve the right to disagree. The meeting of the House of Representatives voted by a majority of 369: 10 to accept the principles of the Civil and Commercial Code Act or the 4 draft equal marriage laws in the first session proposed by the Cabinet, Mr. Thanyawat Kamolwongwat, list MP. Progressive Party, Mr. Sanphet Boonyamanee, Songkhla MP, Democrat Party and from the public sector who signed up to propose the law, more than 10,000 people By discussion of MPs from both parties join the government. and the majority of the opposition They support the equal marriage bill. Because of the current restriction of marriage to only men and women not consistent with social conditions that love is not divided only between men and women But there is also gender diversity. which is from the norms of Thai society in the past causing inequality There has been unfair treatment. Because there is no law to recognize marital rights for same-sex couples, such as the right to decide on medical care, inheritance rights, and the right to jointly manage property, etc., it is believed that marriage is equal. It will be the beginning of a society that will accept differences. Fully use your sexual rights. and strengthen opportunities and the strength of the family institution, regardless of gender and economically It will help generate income from LGBTQ+ tourist groups because in the past, Thailand was ranked number 1 in the Asian region. which earns more than US$6.5 billion from LGBTQ+ tourists in Asia As for the important contents of the draft law, such as marriage and engagement, it can be done only when both parties are 17 years of age. By doing so, marriage can be consummated. Only when it has been registered with the registrar. In the engagement, which party breaks the contract? The other party has the right to demand compensation. and in the case where the betrothal breaks the promise The betrothal must also be returned to the betrothed. and the other party's fiancée Damages may be claimed from the person who had sexual intercourse with his fiancée after the engagement. and married couples of all genders Still have rights to marital assets like male and female married couples. Right to file for divorce Management of marital assets after divorce, inheritance rights By drafting the equal marriage law It is scheduled to come into effect after 120 days from the date of announcement in the Royal Gazette onwards. for relevant agencies There is time to prepare to take action as required by law. along with also specifying that relevant agencies Assess achievement according to law Conduct a legal review of responsibility that defines rights, duties, and legal status or other matters related to married couples, husbands and wives in order to support the rights, duties and related legal status of the spouses. This must be considered to be appropriate for the gender of the spouse as well. and must present draft legislation that should be amended to the Cabinet within 180 days from the date this law comes into force. Pracharat Party MPs, including some Muslim MPs from other political parties, have asked to use their rights to vote not to accept the principles. Because of the draft law Still contrary to the concept and beliefs of Muslims in Islam, but insists that there is no conflict with the LGBT group. But I am not comfortable with changing my life partner to be the same gender. Because in the Qur'an, the spouse must be male. and women only Therefore voted not to accept the principles. For the later steps at the House of Representatives meeting Has voted to approve the principles of all 4 draft laws. The meeting will appoint an extraordinary committee. A group of 39 people came up to bring together the contents of the 4 draft laws that were proposed to be revised. before sending it to the House of Representatives meeting Consider agenda items 2-3 according to the next steps.

Source: Thai News Agency