Cumulative accidents for 6 days, 2,008 times, 236 fatalities.

Bangkok, April 17 – CCP reveals cumulative accident statistics for 6 days (April 11-16, 2023), resulting in a total of 2,008 accidents, 236 fatalities. Safe continuous return journey

17 April 2023 at 10.30 a.m. at the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Road Accident Prevention and Reduction Center during the Songkran Festival 2023 Summary of road accident statistics as of April 16, 2023, 263 accidents, 36 deaths, 268 injuries Accumulated statistics for 6 days (11 – 16 April 2023) There were a total of 2,008 accidents, 236 deaths and 2,005 injuries. The route connects the main roads leading to Bangkok. and long roads with intense control of speeding and preventing accidents from falling asleep Including driving measures to reduce road accidents in risky areas and districts where fatalities are intense. especially measures to reduce the risky behavior of drivers Both drinking and driving Driving faster than the law and not wearing a helmet To make road safety more effective

Mr. Chotinrin Kerdsom, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior As chairman of the ad hoc sub-committee meeting of the Center for the Prevention and Reduction of Road Accidents throughout the year, revealed that the Center for the Prevention and Reduction of Road Accidents during the Songkran Festival 2023 by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation And the cooperation of network partners has compiled road accident statistics on April 16, 2023, which is the sixth day of the campaign. "New way of life drive safely There were 263 accidents, 36 deaths, 268 injuries. The highest causes of accidents were driving too fast 39.16%, drinking and driving 23.95%. Vehicles with the highest accidents were motorcycles 78.39% mostly. Occurred on the roads of the Department of Highways 42.21%, roads in Subdistrict Administrative Organizations/Villages 29.66%, 81.37% at the scene of the accident, the time when the accident was highest during 00.01 - 01.00, 9%.

Accumulated road accident statistics for 6 days (11 – 16 April 2023) resulted in a total of 2,008 accidents, 236 fatalities and 2,005 injuries. Nan (62 accidents) was the province with the highest number of fatalities. The highest cumulative number was Bangkok (20 people) and the province with the highest cumulative injuries was Nan (63 people), two provinces with no fatalities.

Mr. Chotinrin said that today (April 17, 2023), some people are still on their way back to the CCP. by managing traffic on main routes The route connects the main roads leading to Bangkok. and long roads with intense control of speeding and preventing accidents from falling asleep Including driving measures to reduce road accidents in risky areas. and districts with intense deaths Aims to reduce risky behavior of drivers and strictly enforce the law. especially drinking and driving Driving faster than the law and not wearing a helmet along with a road safety awareness campaign among road users To reduce the statistics of road accidents, injuries and fatalities.

Buntham Lertsukeekasem, Director-General of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation The Secretary of the Road Safety Directing Center (PorPorPor.) said that according to road accident statistics from 11 to 16 April 2023, it was found that the number of road accidents and the number of injured increased from the previous year. past As the number of deaths decreased, the CCP has coordinated the provinces. Analyze risk factors and problems that impede road safety. To point out a more effective road accident solution at the local level.

Northeast And the south still has thunderstorms. and gusts of wind There may be broken trees blocking traffic. wet road conditions and poor visibility So I would like to remind the driver. Increase caution in using the car on the road.

For people who have experienced or witnessed an accident You can report an incident via the 1784 safety hotline or report an incident via Line. "Security security receives incident report 1784" by adding a friend Line ID @1784DDPM to coordinate further assistance. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency