Democrat Party awakens the spirit of blue hearts Don’t grieve for the past.

Riverside School, Democrat Party organized a seminar to increase the operational potential of party branches and provincial party representatives "Chalermchai" to awaken the spirit of the blue heart. Adhere to the ideology, move forward and fight, tell party members to accept the truth of the current party system and move forward. Don't mourn over the past. Reporters reported that Democrat Party Organized a seminar to increase the operational potential of party branches and provincial party representatives, with Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, party leader, presiding over the opening ceremony of the project, along with MPs, former MPs, and party executive committee members. Many people attended the event. Mr. Chalermchai said that we adhere to the principles and ideology of the Democrat Party. This will never change because this is the best of the party. I would like everyone to come back and accept the reality of the political system and political parties today. Don't compare with 20 years ago. Don't mourn for wha t happened 30 years ago. It's useless. How will the Democrat Party proceed today? That is the mission that he will come to change. and must overcome this quagmire 'Today is considered another step in clearly declaring that the Democrats are ready to fight. We use technology to recruit members. which is considered the first party We need to let people know that we have adjusted. The Democrats have moved on. Step 2. We still have many things on the party's birthday. After that there will be a seminar of the MPs and the Budget Committee in Chonburi Province on March 30-31, and at the end of April we will have the annual general meeting. In order to announce that Democrats are ready to move forward. Ready to go out on the field We are ready to walk alongside our fellow citizens,' the Democrat Party leader said. Mr. Chalermchai said today he would like to ask for encouragement. Awakening the spirits of all of us with blue hearts. Returning to the people is what is expected. In today's seminar, we want our branch es and representatives to be informed and walk along with us with one ID card and a blue heart. Because 1 ID card is a document required to apply for membership. But if you don't have a Blue Heart as a party member, it's useless. There will be no dedication. But if you are a party member with love The bond will have the highest value. Therefore, applying for party membership must also come with a blue heart. If we make the application of membership faith-based and free of charge. The Democrat Party will get people with true blue hearts. Come stay in this house with us. Lt. Col. Sutham Rahong, deputy party leader and party director Said that this seminar was to convey the online party membership application system to party branches. and provincial party representatives have used it to recruit members in the area. It also emphasizes that everyone must follow the regulations. Party regulations As provided by law along with an invitation to attend the 78th anniversary of the Democrat Party on April 6, which will be held at the Democrat Party Headquarters, Setthasiri Road . Source: Thai News Agency

Democrat Party awakens the spirit of blue hearts Don’t grieve for the past.

Riverside School, Democrat Party organized a seminar to increase the operational potential of party branches and provincial party representatives "Chalermchai" to awaken the spirit of the blue heart. Adhere to the ideology, move forward and fight, tell party members to accept the truth of the current party system and move forward. Don't mourn over the past. Reporters reported that Democrat Party Organized a seminar to increase the operational potential of party branches and provincial party representatives, with Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, party leader, presiding over the opening ceremony of the project, along with MPs, former MPs, and party executive committee members. Many people attended the event. Mr. Chalermchai said that we adhere to the principles and ideology of the Democrat Party. This will never change because this is the best of the party. I would like everyone to come back and accept the reality of the political system and political parties today. Don't compare with 20 years ago. Don't mourn for wha t happened 30 years ago. It's useless. How will the Democrat Party proceed today? That is the mission that he will come to change. and must overcome this quagmire 'Today is considered another step in clearly declaring that the Democrats are ready to fight. We use technology to recruit members. which is considered the first party We need to let people know that we have adjusted. The Democrats have moved on. Step 2. We still have many things on the party's birthday. After that there will be a seminar of the MPs and the Budget Committee in Chonburi Province on March 30-31, and at the end of April we will have the annual general meeting. In order to announce that Democrats are ready to move forward. Ready to go out on the field We are ready to walk alongside our fellow citizens,' the Democrat Party leader said. Mr. Chalermchai said today he would like to ask for encouragement. Awakening the spirits of all of us with blue hearts. Returning to the people is what is expected. In today's seminar, we want our branch es and representatives to be informed and walk along with us with one ID card and a blue heart. Because 1 ID card is a document required to apply for membership. But if you don't have a Blue Heart as a party member, it's useless. There will be no dedication. But if you are a party member with love The bond will have the highest value. Therefore, applying for party membership must also come with a blue heart. If we make the application of membership faith-based and free of charge. The Democrat Party will get people with true blue hearts. Come stay in this house with us. Lt. Col. Sutham Rahong, deputy party leader and party director Said that this seminar was to convey the online party membership application system to party branches. and provincial party representatives have used it to recruit members in the area. It also emphasizes that everyone must follow the regulations. Party regulations As provided by law along with an invitation to attend the 78th anniversary of the Democrat Party on April 6, which will be held at the Democrat Party Headquarters, Setthasiri Road . Source: Thai News Agency