Deputy Secretary-General of the UN admires the Ministry of Interior for adopting the initiatives of HRH Princess Sirivannavari “Sustainable Village”

26 March – UN Deputy Secretary-General admires the Ministry of Interior for adopting the initiatives of HRH Prince Sirivannavari. "Sustainable Village" and Fashion Sustainability Aiming to drive and expand the Best Practice results of Ban Kong Thanu-Don Koi to sustainable villages across the country and commended the King's initiatives in line with the quality SDGs goals, ready to join hands as a partnership to continue dissemination as an example to other countries at the United Nations stage.

Today at 9:00 a.m., Mr. Suthipong Julcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, together with Dr. Wandee Khunchornyakong Julcharoen, President of the Interior Housewives Association welcomed Ms. Armida Salcia Aliciabana, Deputy Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations (UN) delegation on site. Visit the area of Ban Ko Moo 5, Kong Thanu Sub-district and Yan Sen Temple, Kong Thanu Sub-district, in the area of Kong Thanu Sub-district Administrative Organization Muang Lop Buri District, Lop Buri Province, with senior executives of the Ministry of Interior. Governor of Lopburi, Sakon Nakhon, Pattani, Phatthalung, Thai fabric project advisory group Advisory Board for the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior Board of Vice-Presidents of the Interior Housewives Association Executives of Kong Thanu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, government officials, employees, officials of the Ministry of Interior and network partners to welcome and join in the area

Mr. Sutthipong Julcharoen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior revealed that we, the people of the Interior and affiliate networks in all 76 provinces, 878 districts, 7,255 sub-districts, 75,058 villages, have a passion for introducing the ideas of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Prince Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya to drive for development in the area In particular, the "village", which is the smallest administrative unit, is a sustainable village. As the governors of all 76 provinces have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations in Thailand "76 provinces, 76 pledges for equality and sustainable development”, which is a commitment that we want to achieve Change for Good for all 65 million Thai people before the goals set by all UN member countries in 2030.

“The area of Ban Koh, Village No. 5, Tambon Kong Thanu, in the area of the Kong Thanu Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Mueang Lop Buri District This Lopburi province is a best practice that is a model area for community management for sustainability and is a network partner. (Partnership) of the Ministry of Interior in integrating and driving the Sustainable Development Agenda B.E. 2030 (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) by incorporating the royal initiatives of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Department of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn "This house has a love for growing vegetables to eat by itself" to create food security by planting vegetables in the kitchen garden and "This way results in people loving each other" by bringing the public space to plant full of fruit trees. and later with the mercy of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Prince Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya His Highness brought what is the success of Kong Thanu Sub-district, namely food security. and introducing the wishes of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit the queen Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn In the matter of bringing the wisdom of Thai fabrics Let's promote and generate more income. To improve the quality of life of the people by bestowing the “Thai Fabrics for Fun Project” and inviting designers and experts to be a working group. And at the same time, the Ministry of Interior has cooperated with the UN, inviting people from all households to manage waste to take care of the environment, such as Every household has sorted waste by separating wet waste (Food Waste) to go into the bin. "Wet waste reduces global warming", which is the idea of Dr. Wandee Khunchornyakong Julcharoen, President of the Interior Housewives Association. which extends the composting in an open system, namely making Xuan to making a closed waste bin later called "Wet trash can reduce global warming," Mr. Suthipong said.

Mr. Suthipong Julcharoen added that a lot of the good things in the past were driven by bureaucratic leadership and work in isolation. But the issue of waste management was not done. Matters of fabric promotion We also promote in terms of production. but does not promote further development but with the vision and intelligence of Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Her Royal Highness foresaw the holistic quality of life of the Thai people. His Highness therefore bestowed the Sustainable Village Project and allowed the Ministry of Interior to implement it. With an important support from Mr. Kita Subbrawan, UN Coordinator in Thailand and the group, causing vibration to change and develop into a qualitative family of brothers and sisters. By emphasizing on working in a partnership (network) from the provincial, district, sub-district, village levels, there is more activeness and strength. reiterates that What the governors of all 76 provinces have announced their intentions to the UN on 6 June 2022 has caused significant changes for the better, namely the governors inviting all sectors of society to become working group Both Buddhist leaders are monks. Islamic religious leaders are table teachers, etc., and private businessmen, academics, NGO leaders, mass media, civil society sectors in various areas, at the district level. The sheriff then went on to create a Change Agent team, leading the change, namely "Thursday Suffering Bumrungsuk District Team", which today has a tangible result: people in every village/community have love, unity, and reconciliation. Islamic religious leaders are table teachers, etc., and private businessmen, academics, NGO leaders, mass media, civil society sectors in various areas, at the district level. The sheriff then went on to create a Change Agent team, leading the change, namely "Thursday Suffering Bumrungsuk District Team", which today has a tangible result: people in every village/community have love, unity, and reconciliation. Islamic religious leaders are table teachers, etc., and private businessmen, academics, NGO leaders, mass media, civil society sectors in various areas, at the district level. The sheriff then went on to create a Change Agent team, leading the change, namely "Thursday Suffering Bumrungsuk District Team", which today has a tangible result: people in every village/community have love, unity, and reconciliation.

Dr. Wandee Khunchornyakong Julcharoen said that there are currently about 15 million households in Thailand. This number is a household that grows vegetables to create food security. reduce expenses Have safe food to consume There are activities that create love and unity in the family, up to 14 million households. This is a guarantee that no matter what disaster occurs, we will have food to eat 365 days a year. In addition, it will reduce household expenses by 50 baht per day or 255,500 million baht per year, which is a matter of pride that people can help themselves. In addition, more than 13.8 million households waste sorting and putting wet waste into wet bins to reduce global warming It can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions up to 5. 4 hundred thousand tons of carbon dioxide per year And those wet waste will decompose into compost or soil conditioner. to help make the soil more fertile All this alone, the Ministry of Interior and all 76 provincial governors, 878 district chiefs, together with network partners in 7,255 sub-districts would not be able to do such a concrete work. If there is no milestone or magnet of making the village sustainable, is Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Prince Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya and the UN in Thailand This creates inspiration and power for people to change their behavior. towards sustainable self-development

“Regarding the extension of the promotion of Thai fabrics according to the initiative of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit. the queen Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn who revives that Thai fabric He bought clothes from the villagers. with royal initiatives "Loss is profit" His Majesty's loss is the profit of the villagers. Bought it to encourage the fabric production cycle to occur. In the past, there was interest from time to time, and chemical dyes were also used as weaving colors. This is because it is still the beginning of bringing people back to fabric production. and later Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Prince Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya His Majesty bestowed on Sustainable Fashion by encouraging villagers to grow cotton, grow mulberry, raise silkworms, and use natural colors from trees, soil, and water from the surroundings of the people, plus the introduction of modern fashion. in terms of design Design, sewing, pattern design by experts in modern fashion, natural colors. And the mass media together until nowadays it is popular and makes the people's brothers and sisters have a shockingly high income. From the original income of 700 baht / person / month, nowadays, the income is almost 20,000 baht / person / month with the popularity of people who buy natural fabrics. Fabrics with designs, patterns, colors that are pleasing to the eye. Because of learning from famous designers shows that His Majesty's goals of the Ministry of the Interior and the UN are consistent and linked, focusing on people to be self-reliant self-help By encouraging him to have the opportunity to be inherited. Get coached by experts And allow the people to have a group. and allow the market mechanism to generate income And the existence of a sustainable career continues, ”added Dr. Wandee. Sakon Nakhon has taken the royal initiative to drive From the original income of 700 baht / person / month, nowadays, the income is almost 20,000 baht / person / month with the popularity of people who buy natural fabrics. Fabrics with designs, patterns, colors that are pleasing to the eye. Because of learning from famous designers shows that His Majesty's goals The Ministry of the Interior and the UN are consistent and linked, focusing on people to be self-reliant. self-help By encouraging him to have the opportunity to be inherited. Get coached by experts And allow the people to have a group. and allow the market mechanism to generate income And the existence of a sustainable career continues, ”added Dr. Wandee. Sakon Nakhon has taken the royal initiative to drive From the original income of 700 baht / person / month, nowadays, the income is almost 20,000 baht / person / month with the popularity of people who buy natural fabrics. Fabrics with designs, patterns, colors that are pleasing to the eye. Because of learning from famous designers shows that His Majesty's goals of the Ministry of the Interior and the UN are consistent and linked, focusing on people to be self-reliant self-help By encouraging him to have the opportunity to be inherited. Get coached by experts And allow the people to have a group. and allow the market mechanism to generate income And the existence of a sustainable career continues, ”added Dr. Wandee. 000 baht/person/month With the popularity of people who buy natural fabrics Fabrics with designs, patterns, colors that are pleasing to the eye. Because of learning from famous designers shows that His Majesty's goals of the Ministry of the Interior and the UN are consistent and linked, focusing on people to be self-reliant self-help By encouraging him to have the opportunity to be inherited. Get coached by experts And allow the people to have a group. and allow the market mechanism to generate income And the existence of a sustainable career continues, ”added Dr. Wandee. 000 baht/person/month With the popularity of people who buy natural fabrics Fabrics with designs, patterns, colors that are pleasing to the eye. Because of learning from famous designers shows that His Majesty's goals of the Ministry of the Interior and the UN are consistent and linked, focusing on people to be self-reliant self-help By encouraging him to have the opportunity to be inherited. Get coached by experts And allow the people to have a group. and allow the market mechanism to generate income And the existence of a sustainable career continues, ”added Dr. Wandee.

Armida Salcia Aliciabana said it was a pleasure to visit here today. It has also seen a strong collaboration between the UN in Thailand and the Ministry of Interior to accelerate the development of the SDGs, with the provincial governor leading the development in the province. I was very impressed by ESCAP's strong cooperation with Thailand in implementing comprehensive, flexible and innovative developments. Today is an important opportunity for me and the UN team to understand the work. at the local level to work more closely and elevate Thailand to the regional stage With outstanding performance in the dimensions of various SDGs that other countries can apply. both on sustainable food security and waste segregation at the household level. resulting in more than 530 carbon credits, 000 tons. In addition, he was also interested in assessing the carbon footprint of Thai fabric production. and ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions throughout the fabric's life cycle. From the procurement of raw materials to the sale of finished products. This will result in a leap forward towards the production of Thai fabrics in a green style and will be accepted on a global scale in the future.

Khun Armida has also followed the activities of the Thai fabric project for fun. that revived ancient weaving Restoration of natural dyes use of natural fibers whether silk or cotton There are prototype weaving groups from 4 provinces and 4 regions: the southern region, the Mee Na Thap group, Batik Fabric Group, Songkhla Province, Bronze Medal Award Royal pattern fabric contest that expands the opportunity for students from non-formal education (NFE) to practice vocation and generate income. From the royal cloth pattern, northern region, Ta Khian Klom group Thung Hua Chang District, Lamphun Province, which restored cotton cultivation, pushed cotton, restored Hom plantation and natural dyes from Hom, Northeastern Region, from Donkoi Sustainability Village, a project bestowed upon him as a prototype of a sustainable village that is a guideline for developing the entire system until it succeeds in all aspects with a total monthly income of approximately 1.7 million baht. Central region: Weaving youth group from Noen Kham District, Province. Chainat, which has been bestowed a color development guideline from the Trendbook book. Come to restore the wisdom of natural colors from ancestors, which the UN calls these projects Fashion Sustainability. arising from the concept of the whole system to create all-round sustainability in bringing his personal fashion experience came to give to the people generate income and sustainable development

“The Ministry of Interior's commitment to enabling the SDGs to be mobilized at the local level. capacity building of regional agencies And strengthening cooperation with the United Nations will benefit the Thai people and put Thailand at the forefront of sustainable development in the region,” Ms. Armida concluded. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency