Develop technology to make access to the justice system easier.

Administrative Court, The Administrative Court announces its 23rd anniversary work, moving forward with technology development. Promote the mediation system for case disputes Access to justice is simple and fast. Mr. Prawit Bunthiam, Chairman of the Tort Litigation and Other Liability Division at the highest administrative level Help work temporarily in the position of Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court. Announcing the results of the work of the Administrative Court for 23 years, it said that in the overview of the administrative court cases throughout the 23 years until February 29, 2024, there were 212,196 cases considered by the Administrative Court, divided into 148,955 cases that entered the Administrative Court of First Instance. Appeal cases or lawsuits filed directly with the Supreme Administrative Court amounted to 63,241 cases, with the highest number of cases filed being Personnel management, discipline, supplies, administrative contracts Tort cases and other liabilities, when cla ssified according to the agencies that are the ones being sued the most are: Ministry of Interior, total 45,790 cases, Bangkok 7,655 cases, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives 4,721 cases, Royal Thai Police 4,575 cases, Ministry of Transport 4,198 cases 'The consideration of 184,757 cases has been completed, accounting for 87% of the admitted cases. Divided into 132,264 cases in the Administrative Court of First Instance, accounting for 89%, while in the Supreme Administrative Court, 52,493 cases, accounting for 83%, while 27,439 cases are under consideration, divided into 16,691 cases in the Administrative Court of First Instance and 10,748 cases in the Supreme Administrative Court in 2023. There were 12,637 completed cases, divided into 4,789 Supreme Administrative Court cases, which were more completed than admitted cases. and the Administrative Court of First Instance Able to complete consideration of 3,153 cases,' Mr. Prawit said. Mr. Prawit said that as for the cases that were entered There were 9,300 cases filed via electronic means in both courts, and 5,028 cases were completed. The Administrative Court aims to develop the electronic administrative court to the fullest extent. By the end of fiscal year 2027, the Administrative Court will be an electronic court system or e-Admincout and will have international standards. By creating a digital development plan 2023-2027. Providing citizens with convenient access to administrative court justice through digital technology. which has a central service platform Link the administrative case system in case management There are measures to prevent and help reduce disputes among administrative agencies. 'We designed it to be suable from the beginning. all the way to the High Court without leaving home The important thing is to open it and see. Not suing and turning off the bed. and there is no limit to the cases that can be filed. But you have to show yourself. and ID card number As for whether it can be done faster or not? I think it will be faster. Becaus e you press send immediately, reducing costs. It only depends on when it will be opened and read. Including the court will reduce the time for drafting and reprinting, except for drafting judgments which may take time,' Mr. Prawit said. Mr. Prawit said that since the court introduced the dispute mediation system in administrative cases throughout the country from September 2019 to February 2024, there have been 735 cases entering the dispute mediation process of the Administrative Court of First Instance, of which 672 cases have been completed. It is 91% of cases that go to mediation. with the most mediation being Disputes regarding administrative contracts. In 2024, there is a plan to develop a dispute mediation system in 2 parts: citizen cases Or the parties want to start the mediation process, they can start filing through the electronic administrative case anytime, anywhere. and develop the electronic administrative court system to support the process Facilitating administrative court personnel. Source : Thai News Agency