Digital money uses the 2024 mid-year budget as a binding budget.

House, "Phaophum" Deputy Finance Minister explains that digital money is used in the mid-2024 budget as a binding budget. It does not have to be used within September this year. He reveals that he has not yet sent a decree interpreting the use of money to the BAAC. . The reason why the BAAC had to make an overview of the project before Mr. Paophum Rojanasakul, Deputy Minister of Finance Discussing the progress of the 10,000 baht digital wallet top-up project after the Budget Office made an observation regarding whether the use of the central budget must be disbursed within September or not, that there are two conditions for budget disbursement: One actual disbursement and two budget commitments So we need people to register in the third quarter. to achieve budget commitments In the draft central budget, details have already been specified (definition). This does not mean that every baht of the budget must actually be disbursed during that period. But if it is a budget that has an obligation to pay, it can b e done according to law. When asked again that if it was already a definition, why did the budget make this observation? Mr. Paophum asked again: What does the Budget Office observe? So the reporter said The Budget Office noted that Because it is the mid-year budget Therefore, it must be used within the fiscal year before September 30. Mr. Paophum said that it is already a standard term that must be used within September 30, but the definition of use refers to disbursements and obligations. When asked that from now on the Ministry of Finance will have to make digital wallet information into Cabinet again or not? In order to follow the original timeline, Mr. Phaophum said that progress has been made regarding the budget process, namely the mid-year budget and the 2025 budget that have expanded the budget framework. which will be brought to the House of Representatives And now there are supervisory committee meetings almost every week. There are many details such as checking the age criteria for turning 16 y ears old, how to check, checking savings accounts. Farmer verification which work continuously As for the use of money, the BAAC revealed that at this time it had not yet sent the matter to the Council of State for questioning. Since it is only the project framework in the big picture, we must wait for the BAAC to submit the project to the Ministry of Finance first and confirm that the mid-year budget for 2024 is sufficient to carry out the digital wallet project. Source: Thai News Agency