‘Digital Wallet’ is a mess, selling clothes to survive Changed the source several times.

Parliament, "Sirikanya" investigates "Digital Wallet", says it's a mess, sells clothes to survive. Changed the source several times. A good statement but no substance, stating that "Seththa" is a part-time prime minister, and the rest of the time he spends flying. At the meeting of the House of Representatives with Mr. Pichet Muang Phan Second Vice President of the Council Acting as chairman of the meeting Agenda for the general discussion of the government without voting according to Section 152, Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, list MP. Deputy Leader of the Progressive Party Discuss the government's economic policy on the theme 'Immediate problems can wait. Remote problems with no solution" took more than 40 minutes. Ms. Sirikanya said that the government was very diligent in announcing its work. Many projects that are at the level of promotion and acceleration but have not yet seen concrete results are already included as works. Many things are very small. I'm confused as to whether I can claim it or not, such a s extending the opening time of Chiang Mai Airport for 24 hours. I understand that it is something that the citizens are looking forward to. But can it really be used as government work? When we compare it between 3 months and 6 months, it is found that it has been reproduced. nothing new There are only 2 additional matters of increasing income, which are the reduction of taxes on wine and spirits. The villagers' distilled spirits are still waiting. and rubber exceeds 80 baht 'From 3 months to 6 months, the results were very little. About expanding opportunities Not to mention This is because the Prime Minister Are you a part-time Prime Minister? Another part of the time is spent working as a salesman for the country. Therefore, there is no one to run the government on a full-time basis. What we have been waiting for is the matter of reviving, stimulating or supporting the economy for the better but we haven't seen it,' Ms Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya said that the first issue is that the government's spen ding reduction measures are about to expire. Citizens asked about the reduction, which has been reduced since 3 months ago, why are they still adding it? This makes the debt of the Electricity Generating Authority (EGAT) a burden that must be paid more and cleaned up from May onwards. The reduction in excise tax on gasoline by 1 baht per liter expires on 31 Jan. 2024, while the reduction in tax on diesel fuel by 1 baht per liter will expire on 19 Apr. 2024. He asks the people to prepare themselves. Even today we still question what to do next. Regarding the devaluation of life without solving long-term problems Things that the government reduces expenses There are burdens that arise, such as the oil fund and tax reduction. After looking at his style, he probably wouldn't be able to continue because the Cabinet didn't approve it. The Excise Department also missed its tax collection target of 32 billion baht, so the burden fell to the Oil Fund. Then I borrowed until the ceiling was full. 'What management plan do you have for the oil fund status? Will there be an act to expand the oil fund loan limit? So will there be any fiscal space left? Because when you borrow will become public debt When you want to block this area for making a digital wallet,' Ms. Sirikanya said. As for increasing income Ms. Sirikanya said that the matter of rubber He believes that Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, has said that it is really good. But what he would like to point out is the issue of illegal rubber. 'Thammanat said that anyone can move. But try looking at the list. There are only people at the level of minnows. All those minnows. Plus the test results came out that there was nothing wrong. How is that possible? that we control the import of illegal rubber Just use soldiers to control the border. without inspecting customs checkpoints that allow illegal imports,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Miss Sirikanya Many economic policies are discussed, such as the policy for issuing cars. Supporting purchas ing power Ready to ask: Within the second quarter of this year, when the 2024 budget has already come out, what measures will we see that will help support purchasing power in the short term? At the structural level Ms. Sirikanya stated that the free visa policy has not helped the tourism sector. They say it's about thinking big and doing small. Because it doesn't answer the problems we are facing right now. If you think that the decrease in tourists is because of the COVID situation. Tourists will probably come back soon. We will give you a free visa in the short term. But when we look at the structure, we find that Tourist behavior has changed. The number of seats on tourist flights from China to Thailand has decreased. It has been overtaken by Japan. And there is also South Korea who breathes down their necks. 'Ask what will the Prime Minister's Tourism Hub policy help with? In addition, FTA negotiations are a waste because exporters do not exercise their rights. The export sector is also worse than othe r countries at the same level. I want the government to think about competitiveness. Especially with China entering the market. and causing Thailand to have a trade deficit. The people bowed their heads and accepted their fate. Therefore must demand Because the Prime Minister gave an interview saying that China is 'Big Brother' and 'Tua Hia' do not protect every industry. But now the big fish are gradually eating all the small fish. How do I talk to Tua Hia?' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya continued that the Prime Minister said that we will be the Last Man Standing, the last production base for combustion cars. We can be, but we must prepare for the transition. Today there are 800,000 workers at risk of losing their jobs. We are still dealing with products from the old world that are about to become obsolete or have decreased in importance. So does the government have a policy to support this? I've tried to find it. There is no mention of Ms. Sirikanya said that at least we are lucky that the country doe s not have an economic crisis anymore. The government has stopped saying that The country enters an economic crisis. 'It must be said that we have overcome the economic crisis. It is not because the government can make the economy better. It was not caused by the protection of Phra Siam Devadhiraj or any sacred object. But it was caused by an organization called NACC that came to solve the economic crisis for us. By issuing a report To blow my mind and say that there is no crisis, then the government immediately stops saying that there is an economic crisis,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya said that spreading bad news that the country is in crisis It is only in order to use a special mechanism to borrow money to use in the digital wallet project. Which finally made progress in changing the details for the 5th time. The government announced even more changes. Especially the source of money, including budget 67, Government Savings Bank loan, commitment budget 67-68, Loan Act, etc. This round will be the 5t h time. It is expected that money sources will be used from 3 sources, namely the mid-year 67 budget. , Budget for 2025 and borrowing from the BAAC, which is a rather bizarre method. Moreover, the conditions change non-stop. including qualifications, channels, and time periods 'This kind of chaos Even the cheerleaders were tired of carrying it. for applications The opening scene was exciting. I said I would use the super app Blockchain too. Later I said I didn't want to. Will use a wallet Nowadays we hear that Krungthai says they won't do it. May have to have its own app. Please help me whether it will be completed in the 4th quarter of 2024 or not,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya stated that there were 3 sources of the budget that she had predicted. It has already gone out to sea because the value of 500 billion baht came from a loan anyway. 'I have to admit that it was a bit of a mess. Having had to change the source of funds about 5 times, it is still not known whether there will be a 6th round or no t. The distribution has been postponed at least 4 times. There has been a change in the application technology used. The number of people changes all the time. It makes you think. In conclusion, does this government really have experience in managing the country before? About knowledge and understanding of finance It makes me shocked as to why they dare to issue a policy like this. And having to change and change so much It further shows that there was no preparation whatsoever. since the beginning Even though he had to sell clothes to survive every day like this, he was very diligent in making statements. Just a week ago, there were two announcements with no clear details,' Ms. Sirikanya said. Ms. Sirikanya said that the country has suffered damage. because of momentum Or the economic cyclone will not occur. People may not believe it. Therefore, it is a problem that he thinks is not due to any one policy. So I want to call on the government. Claim back confidence in the economic system. Now we can do only a few policies and we are completely silent. And still have to make the people wait. Source: Thai News Agency