Ding Kok. Don’t use the Section 272 knot to mess up the Prime Minister’s vote.

Pheu Thai Party, July 17- "Phumitham" speaks clearly, the 8 parties must come to a conclusion, how many rounds will they vote for "Pita", pointing out that Article 272 is not a solution to the problem. It's not an important agenda to do now. It should not be taken to get the most important things out of consideration.

Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Pheu Thai Party's deputy leader, said he was not worried and did not think it was a backlash, but he really didn't want to come out and speak. because the negotiations between the two parties have not yet been settled Even at the previous meeting we agreed on the main issues. but may be different in details At the meeting, the Progressive Party proposed two issues: amending Section 272, switching off the senators, and the other issue being how to break through the government establishment. The Pheu Thai Party has clearly proposed that the amendment to Section 272 already agrees. because Pheu Thai had previously proposed to the Council of Ministers 2 times, despite the fact that the Kao Klai Party had even abstained from voting in the past did not support our motion We now see that the agenda is not on the agenda right now. Even if doing it in parallel, there is no objection. But the important thing today is how it will pass. because of the Prime Minister's vote The first time has ended. Mr. Pita has 312 votes while only 13 senators.

“Previously, we have asked how many senators can vote in order to find ways to help each other in a concrete way. But what we get is that the leaders Give interviews to the media that some have received more than 64 votes or some have received more than 70 votes. We asked Mr. Phitha and he said he was confident. will continue to move on comfortably Having received a response like this, we trusted it. believe in the Progressive Party We fully participated in voting. There were no breaks in all 141 votes, but when the results came out, only 13 senators made us think about how the reality of moving forward can be done. Because it probably won't be the same vote that goes on like this, because what I've heard is that the senators will propose to the meeting if Mr. Phitha is nominated again. It is considered a motion or a motion that has been beaten down. Here we care. If he concluded that the motion was dropped We have to look at how the 8-party coalition government meeting that will create a democratic system will perform its duties, ”said Phumitham.

Mr. Phumtham said that if Mr. Phitha had 141 votes, he would confirm his support. But let's have the condition that last time I got 13 votes and there was no chance of winning. Will there be a chance next time or not? If the last time the sound came out nearby we have no problem Plus it will help you get more votes. But when only 13 senators came out, it was very far from reality. Therefore, this issue must be discussed. If continuing to support Mr. Phitha Must be able to answer how much we will fight to end to the utmost And we see that amending Section 272 is not on the current agenda. It is not an important agenda and should not be altered to make the most important matters not be considered. He had already learned at the meeting that Section 272 was a proposal that did not see success. because he had to get a vote in the parliament which is already difficult Even the name of Mr. Phitha himself has not yet passed. In the past, I have already voted 6-7 times and still haven't passed. There is still a condition that a 1 in 3 vote of the senators must be obtained. Approximately 84 votes, even choosing the prime minister, 64 votes, still not 84 votes, must say clearly how to find it And there must be another 20% of the opposition. Now there is no government at all.

“When this motion is proposed, how can a solution be found? He said it was just a symbolic fight. Not based on the people's agenda The Progressive Party should consider the necessity of doing so. This is mutually agreed upon. But what we see is that suddenly Mr. Phitha came out and spoke about the agenda of the Progressive Party. By opening a new issue, which is to use Section 272 as another battleground. We just don't understand how this happened. Because the new battlefield of the Progressive Party is proposing new issues beyond the MOU, which we are not talking about. And proposed this and said that we will fight the battle until it is successful that we can no longer go. While handing over power to the second-ranked party sounds good, but looking at it might cause more trouble. because there is no clear time frame Because at the meeting between the 2 Pheu Thai parties, it was already said that 272 was just a symbol. it was not victorious. But by rushing to form a government, we can successfully amend the constitution. because amending the constitution must fix the entire system What needs to be solved, how to do, must come and see We have already said that the first thing when it comes to government is to vote for a referendum to elect the SRC to solve the problem immediately.

“Mr. Pita's suggestion is like tying up his hands. He therefore had to come out and speak the necessity and the truth. however not a conflict being angry with each other or not talking or not looking at each other However, today to meet all 8 parties or 2 parties before that. We'll be honest with all our opinions and we'll talk. We would suggest that the agenda of the country or the people's agenda is the most important, not the agenda of the Progressive Party. And it's not Khun Phitha's agenda. What can be done today to make the country move forward? Let the problems of the people move forward. The most important thing we see is that the business sector needs a clear government. The tourism sector said that high season is an opportunity to bring money into the country. But if the government is unclear, there is a problem. To the point of proposing that the government can consist of anything, but please be clear about what the policy will be and that it has full power to carry out various matters successfully, ”said Phumtham.

Mr. Phumtham said he saw Mr. Phitha speaking at the end. The future of the Party and the future of the people are now in the hands of the people. Don't take people as hostages. But today the nation and the people are in the hands of the Progressive Party. and Mr. Phitha's hand Please take it as a decision point. If this decision is made wrong, people's problems will be difficult and will have to stay with "Uncle Tu" for a long time by keeping up with him. If today's decision is correct and clear, the country's problems will be resolved. This is what he asked the Progressive Party to think about.

“What he is worried about is that if he is willing to form a minority government, we cannot compete with him because he has 188 plus 250 senators and can form a government. We have to live with uncle for another 4 years. Any uncle depends. Ask if the people are happy or not. If you are not happy, you must find a solution to solve the problem. This will be the main point of discussion among the party's leaders. and will use this issue to discuss with the Progressive Party Ready to talk to find a solution together, ”said Mr. Phumtham.

When asked if the Thai party's prime ministerial candidate would be replaced as well or not, Mr Phumitham said there was no backup plan. The first single plan is to join hands with the 8 coalition parties, moving forward to the end. and have a clear answer, not letting the choice go on and on where the country does not know what the solution will be We can't wait until early next year. Because the country's problems today are very serious. Don't worry about Pheu Thai Party's candidacy, there are already 3 people. If it's clear that we will give Pheu Thai, we can propose, it's not an agenda for us to do this first, we want 8 parties to jointly nominate Mr. Phitha accomplish But it depends on the conditions of the Progressive Party how to accomplish this. There is no way that the 8-party coalition will continue to win.

When asked to repeat that if on July 19, Mr. Phitha could not be nominated again will be ready to nominate Candidate Prime Minister Is it for Thai people at all? Mr. Phumtham answered that If you can't offer it, you have to come and discuss again how to move forward. But we may have to postpone it. Because one of us may propose at all or 2 may take time to discuss together to understand, depending on the discussion of all 8 parties, however, do not worry. We already know how our candidates are. And we already have the power to take action. But if they say they haven't thought about it yet or the Pheu Thai Party hasn't thought about it yet, it's a lie. We figured out a solution but we can't say yet because we want to make it clear that is heading forward to support 8 parties and Mr. Phitha to be successful What we think we keep until the time when it is necessary to propose. If we propose today, it turns out that we say one thing and we prepare another. We will not propose to change the subject matter.

As for who will be number 1, Mr. Phumtham said that we have to look at the situation in this situation, we have 3 candidates. A lot of support from government officials, Ms. Patongtarn Shinawatra is a person with potential that the public accepts quite a lot. Potential to come to solve the crisis, but all 3 people are already working together. The Pheu Thai Party is not worried about this matter. Please be comfortable that if it comes time to make an offer. The Pheu Thai Party has people who can work for sure. But at the moment there is no discussion on this matter with all 3 people because they want to make matters for the 8 joint parties and Mr. Phitha an important matter. let it pass first

As for the senators, they stated that although they were the Pheu Thai Party But if there are still far-reaching parties involved, they will not vote for them. Mr. Phumitham said it was another factor that had to be taken into account, but it all depended on the discussion of the 8 parties. But what we see as the Progressive Party expressing itself and having to speak out because they are proposing something that is beyond what has been discussed We wait to see how each party will return to talk. But the Progressive Party has proposed what it thinks. without making it clear who the idea was What we propose is the idea of the Progressive Party, not the idea of the 8 coalition parties. This is not a drama. This is real life, a problem of nations and people.

“Don't guess the Pheu Thai Party. but the important thing that we always show We aim to make the needs of the people successful. What we have proven is that we are the second-ranked party, which, in the past ruling tradition, the second-ranked party cannot wait for the management of the first-ranked party. will join the second-ranked party to form a strong democratic government That is a clear proof that we are not hoping to come to power, we are hoping to see the will of the people be fulfilled. Therefore, it's okay to be dramatic, because you want to see the truth. Today we need unity for people who think they are democratic to help each other achieve success. not based on any political party Or based on any idea, ”said Mr. Phumtham.

Mr. Phumtham said that what he said could cause discomfort to anyone. There may be a tour bus down. But we stand on the truth. want to see the truth successful problem solving We don't want to see beliefs come true. but would like to see the truth unfold and make that dream come true This person wants to leave it to people to think.

As for the news flow, listening to the former government governor calling MPs from the Pheu Thai Party and stepping away, some people went to meet. To negotiate a secret deal to give away bananas, Mr. Phumtham said he heard about this. It's a rumor, can't prove the truth. If true, it's corrupted. The important thing is to go back and check your own people. Because the history of Thai politics about giving out bananas is good. The cobra is good, it happened. We therefore propose to exercise caution. I didn't suggest it according to rumors or take this story to attack. Must be respectful. Both parties have dignity. dignity in the commitment that has been made to the people

“When there are rumors, we have to talk. As for Pheu Thai, we talked among leaders in each region. whether to try to talk to see if there are any of these matters How to fix it? We haven't thought too far into which group it will be. We honor members of parliament, the Pheu Thai Party. We must find a way to prevent more. Rather than believing or insulting the people of the Pheu Thai Party. We believe in the people of the Pheu Thai Party who have intelligence and determination. The Pheu Thai Party has not existed for more than 20 years, proving that we are committed to doing what we have given to the people, ”Phumitham said.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency