Discussion: ‘Perspectives and reflections after marijuana and kratom leave the drug law’

Ministry of Justice, Seminar 'Views and Reflections Marijuana and kratom were later removed from drug laws.' Listen to comments. Prevent misuse Emphasize children and youth Must stay away from marijuana, kratom Pol.Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice presided over the opening ceremony of the seminar 'Views and reflections after marijuana and kratom were removed from drug laws' No. 1, fiscal year 2024, along with Mr. Mana Siripitthayawat, Deputy Secretary-General of the ONCB and related sectors academic network and the public sector Join in listening to the discussion Pol. Col. Thawee said that kratom and marijuana were later canceled as drugs. The intent is for medical, economic benefits and the use of kratom in the folk way. But on the other hand, it was found that kratom boiled water was being sold without permission. Including the sale of kratom and marijuana to children and youth under the age of 18 years, resulting in children and youth and the public accessing and using marijuana, kratom has inc reased and it has been misused. for entertainment By mixing controlled drugs, dangerous drugs, psychotropic substances. and narcotic drugs Which leads to other problems. Even the law unlocks kratom from drugs. But currently, there is a problem of negative impacts from the community. who have suffered from illegal mixing of flood water and gatherings. Complaints about the kratom problem have increased through the ONCB. Opening the hearing today must therefore look at the impacts from all sides. Or like marijuana There was a wide echo. And Thailand is one of the few countries in the world that allows it to be legal. and no clear rules have been issued to control them. The review of the draft Marijuana Act is currently in the process of being carried out by the Ministry of Public Health. There is openness to listening to opinions from all sides. As for additional ministerial regulations regarding kratom, the Minister of Justice and the Ministry of Public Health will be discussed together to cover as much as po ssible If there are additional ministerial regulations Cottage context How will society change? The Minister of Justice said, for example We now find that cottages are for sale all over the place. Except in front of the school The ministerial regulations may specify that Some areas may have to announce a ban on sales or not. There will be further proposals to improve the law through the House. The Minister of Justice said that it is therefore necessary to follow up on the state of the problem. and have a discussion take place By inviting those involved Experts in the field of drugs, academics, officials from law enforcement agencies, partner agencies, and the general public who are interested attend the discussion to exchange ideas. Reflect on the results To urgently monitor the spread of marijuana and kratom among target groups. Including creating awareness among the people to understand the benefits and dangers of marijuana and kratom so as not to misuse it. The discussion and exchange on 2 issues are: 1. Perspectives on marijuana Kratom removed from drug laws or problem condition and the effects of marijuana and kratom from drugs and 2. Policy proposals or guidelines for monitoring the problem of the spread of marijuana and kratom There was Mr. Wiroj Sumyai, former chairman of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), who exchanged views on cannabis and kratom at the international level. Mr. Paisan Limsathit, Executive Director of the Center for Health Law and Ethics. Faculty of Law Thammasat University spoke on the issue of Thai society after removing marijuana and kratom from drugs. and guidelines for appropriate legal control, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ratsamon Kanlayasiri, Director of the Center for Studying Drug Problems Chulalongkorn University Revealing the cannabis situation Kratom in Thailand and Dr. Lamsam Lakkhanaphichanchat Deputy Medical Director The Boromarajonani National Institute for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation (NBOC) spoke on the issue of the effects of marijuana and kratom. Participan ts exchanged views, presented and reflected on problems occurring in the public sector and public health personnel. and political parties After this, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board will collect and present them as policy guidelines for dealing with marijuana and kratom to prevent further use in undesirable ways. Source: Thai News Agency