Dismantling gangs of youths producing new types of addictive substances Sell ??online

Bangkok, Cyber ??police bust up a gang of teenagers producing a new type of narcotic. Mix your own formula and sell it online. Warning: Danger may cause suffocation. Serious to the point of death The Cyber ??Police received complaints from citizens through the AOC 1441 hotline and the Facebook page "Cyber ??Police 2 - S.O.T. 2" that there were people posting to sell a new type of narcotic that teenagers like to use called " Lean' or 'LEAN' through a Facebook account which has more than 5,000 followers, so the police conducted a preliminary investigation. It was found that the said page posted announcements and advertisements to sell products that may be considered illegal products or food products that are actually unsafe. From the investigation, it was found that "Lean" is a product that many young people like to buy and consume to cause intoxication. They often memorize recipes from groups of teenagers together. Then take various medicines They mixed it up themselves for consumption. Later, cyber police and FDA officials Join in leading officers with a search warrant from the court. Inspected 2 target points, point 1 was a house. Along Phasi Charoen Canal Road, North Side, Nong Khaem Subdistrict, Nong Khaem District, Bangkok, Mr. Narong, 33 years old, was found to be the caretaker of the house. The results of the search found a number of "LEAN KINGDOM 69" brand products along with equipment used in production. and various ingredients such as the active ingredient CLONARIL, 148 tablets, the active ingredient CONVULSIL, 150 tablets, 29 bottles of Fatex syrup, 218 tablets of Makola, and 4 bottles of syrup. Point 2: A house Along the Phasi Charoen Canal Road, North Side, Nong Khaem Subdistrict, Nong Khaem District, Bangkok, Mr. Sittiphol was found to be the caretaker of the house. The results of the search found bottle filling equipment, stickers, cardboard boxes. used with the product brand "LEAN KINGDOM 69" has therefore been seized for evidence. Continuing with the legal proceedings Initially, Mr. Ronarong testified that he was only an employee of Mr. Naraset, the owner of the page, for more than a year, taking orders from customers. and mixing the medicine into the beverage brand 'LEAN KINGDOM 69' as well as filling it into bottles Then it is sent to the customer via a private shipping company. Sold at a price of 100-150 baht per bottle according to order quantity. with an average order of hundreds of bottles per month So he reported the allegation that 'Possess and possess psychotropic substances in Category 4 without permission' according to the Narcotics Code Act, Section 35(5), Section 94, Section 149, paragraph three, and 'Sell Modern medicine without permission" according to the Drug Act 1967, Section 12 together with Section 101" and taken to the investigating officer at Nong Khaem Police Station for further legal action. In addition, Mrs. Aranya Theppitak, Director of SRP., also warned that The seized drugs are psychotropic substances. If consumed, you will feel drowsy. If consumed in large quantities or consumed together with alcoholic beverages It will increase the sedative effect. May result in suffocation. or serious to the point of death Therefore, a warning to the people. If you see a beverage product that contains such active ingredients Please report information to the hotline 1556 so that legal action can be taken. Source: Thai News Agency