DOC warns to prepare to deal with water quality problems during the rainy season.

Bangkok: Director-General of the Pollution Control Department stated At the beginning of the rainy season May affect water quality. Caused by the washing of contaminants from the land into water sources. Remind chemical operators to store safely. Meanwhile, fish farmers in cages must be careful of "water knockout," a lack of oxygen that can cause large numbers of fish to die. Ms. Preeyaporn Suwannakes, Director-General of the Pollution Control Department (PDC), revealed that from the forecast of the Meteorological Department. The rainy season in Thailand this year is expected to begin around the 4th week of May 2024, when the rainy season enters. Various contaminants will be washed away. From the land that accumulates into many water sources, such as wastewater remaining in wastewater pipes. Leachate from agricultural areas, garbage piles, material piles, chemicals, and various hazardous materials. May affect the quality of water in various water sources. A sudden change occurred, such as a decrease in the a mount of oxygen in the water. Turbidity and suspended sediment increased. Rapid changes in water temperature Affects aquatic animals and the ecosystem. Results of monitoring and monitoring water quality of surface water sources throughout the country. During the months of April - June of every year. This is the beginning of the rainy season and it will be found that water sources are increasingly in a state of deterioration. Problems that are often encountered during heavy and continuous rain are: The source of pollution may secretly release wastewater to join the resulting flood. or during a rainstorm both strong winds and large amounts of rainfall This may cause the factory's wastewater storage pond to collapse, causing contaminated wastewater, which can cause damage to nearby areas or public water sources. Therefore, relevant agencies in the area and local administrative organizations You should watch out for pollution sources in your area both during the beginning of the rainy season that is coming in th e next 2 - 3 weeks and throughout the rainy season. In addition, farmers who raise fish in cages or in culture should be prepared during the first rain. May cause 'fish kill', which is a severe lack of oxygen in the water. To the point of death in the cage By turning on the water mixer to increase oxygen and should reduce the amount of food or refrain from feeding on rainy days, which will reduce the amount of waste in water sources or ponds. At the same time, factory operators and business establishments will be notified. To store chemicals Hazardous substances used in agriculture, industry and homes should be kept safe and out of water. Take care of wastewater storage ponds/wastewater treatment ponds and solid waste disposal sites so that they do not leak into water sources or into the environment. If you encounter problems with wastewater or chemical leaks Citizens who encounter an incident can report an emergency to the Civil Service Commission via the hotline 1650 Source: Thai News Agency