“Dr. Chonnan” goes ahead and administers 1 million doses of cervical cancer vaccine in 100 days.

The Quick Win project has begun under the 30 baht plus policy. "Dr. Chonnan" clearly announced to accelerate the vaccination against cervical cancer for women aged 11-20 years across the country, 1 million doses within 100 days, following figures. More than 6,000 Thai women are sick every year.

Minister of Public Health A clear announcement that the Quick Win project will become concrete within 100 days after assuming the position of Minister of Public Health is to move forward with HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer for women aged 11-20 years old nationwide, at least 1 million doses, after the number of people About 6,500 more sick people per year

Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health, said that cervical cancer It is the second most common disease in Thai women after breast cancer. Approximately 2,000 people die each year. This type of cancer is caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be prevented with a vaccine that must be injected before ever having sex.

Dr. Chonnan further said that Thailand has specified the provision of 2-dose HPV vaccination service as a benefit for female students in grade 5 since 2017 (currently 17 years old), therefore women aged 18 years and over are not yet received this vaccination In addition, in 2019-2022, the world experienced a temporary shortage of vaccines during the COVID outbreak. As a result, the target group in Grade 5 that year, currently aged 13-15 years, did not receive the vaccination. Therefore, HPV vaccination has been designated as one of the Quick Win "Comprehensive Cancer" policies by accelerating vaccination for girls aged 11-20 years, which has assigned the Department of Disease Control to expedite vaccination guidelines. and have the Provincial Public Health Office assess the number of target groups Including granting NHSO to expedite the procurement of additional vaccines.

“The injection will have two parts: children in grades 5-6 will be injected through educational institutions. (School-based program) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education Injected in groups, just like the Covid vaccination was previously administered. The other group is children outside the education system. Including women aged 18-20 years who have completed Mathayom 6 will receive the injection at a health care facility. The goal is to vaccinate at least 1 million doses of the HPV vaccine within 100 days,” Dr. Chonnan said.

Source: Thai News Agency