“Dr. Prem Sak” is uncomfortable with the Senate President not rushing to discuss amending the regulations.

Parliament, "Senate" in turmoil over amendment of regulations. "Dr. Premsak" is uncomfortable with "Senate President" not rushing to hold a meeting to amend the regulations. He admitted to talking to "Mongkol" and only promised to try to take care of it. He met with the Blue Line Senators who threatened to vote down other regulations if they did not accept the 3 consecutive meetings. Dr. Premsak Piayura, a senator from the White Group, gave an interview that he knew that Mr. Mongkol Surachat, the president of the Senate, would not convene a Senate meeting on August 2, which made him uncomfortable because the Senate's work should not be linked to other organizations or wait to see the Constitutional Court's ruling in early August. However, he has already submitted a motion to include it in the agenda for consideration, which is the new Senate meeting regulations. Therefore, it is considered the starting material that the Senate meeting can convene and consider. However, if the next Senate meeting is not clea r and it is not known on which day the president of the Senate will convene, it is suspicious. However, he does not think there will be any internal problems in the Senate because it is an agenda that must be considered according to general working principles. Dr. Premsak also said that the Senate meeting must discuss the principles of normal operations, such as scheduling the weekly Senate meeting, setting the agenda, such as the questions to the government, which may have to be adjusted to Monday because Tuesday overlaps with the Cabinet meeting, resulting in no ministers to answer questions. In addition, there is an important agenda, which is the consideration of the draft bill (Bill) on additional budget expenditures for fiscal year 2024 B.E. ... to be used in the digital wallet project, which is an important agenda that the Senate must urgently consider. Reporters asked about the trend of locking the allocation of committee chairperson quotas, which could be a problem. Dr. Premsak said that the matter must set a framework for how many standing committees there will be, rather than considering quotas, because that would be against the process. In addition, the position of committee chairperson or vice chairperson should be discussed together to see who is suitable, not to force or block voting. 'We shouldn't take everything in the country for ourselves. We should share it with senators who are interested in working with us. We shouldn't just bring someone to be the chairman of the committee and get complained about. So we shouldn't divide the cake. I've heard about the division of the committee chairman's cake, but I don't want it to be like this. This could be an unseen hand. I'm not sure why the committee chairman hasn't eased the lock, even though there are many people who are suitable for the job,' said Dr. Premsak. When asked if he had spoken to the Senate President, Dr. Premsak said that he had spoken about the establishment of a committee where the public expects the senators to work. If they do no t have a clear status, how can they answer the public? In addition, the Senate meeting is uncertain and will not open for another meeting. The Senate President replied that he will try to take care of it, but what will prove his words is his actions through the scheduling of a Senate meeting as soon as possible. The reporter reported that the Senate President did not schedule a Senate meeting as notified to the Senate internally on August 2nd, partly because of the problem of considering the Senate meeting regulations on the issue of the number of committees. At present, it was found that there are 3 Senators who have proposed such motions: Dr. Premsak's proposal to have 28 committees; Mr. Sorachat Wichaya Suwannaprom's proposal to reduce the number of committees to 23; and the new group of Senators who are currently under discussion. Mr. Sorachat's group is considered a large group of Senators and wants the Senate meeting regulations to be passed quickly by considering them with the full committee in order to pass all 3 readings in one round. However, there are currently opposing opinions from other groups of Senators and they believe that a special committee should be set up to consider them carefully in proportion to the number of Senators and their workload. The source stated that 'From the problem of Mr. Sorachat's group wanting to consider 3 readings in a row and there are still people who disagree, Mr. Sorachat has not yet proposed a motion to amend the regulations to the Senate meeting until he gets what he wants. And even though there are other groups of senators who have submitted a motion to the Senate meeting and the Senate can meet, the senators in Mr. Sorachat's group, which is a large group, are ready to vote down in order to leave their own draft regulations. In addition, the reason for not scheduling a Senate meeting on August 2 is partly because there is still no agreement on the issue.' Source: Thai News Agency