Election Commission confirms ballot papers are highly secure

The President of the Election Commission reiterates that ballot papers are highly secure. Purple demarcation - green party list Ready to be printed in the outside of the country. Already sent.

Mr. Ittiporn Boonprakong, President of the Election Commission, discusses the sample ballot papers. That the sample ballot is attached to the regulations on the election of MPs, which are of 2 types, namely the purple constituency election form The green roster And the card format is in accordance with Section 84 of the Election Act, so as not to confuse people in exercising their rights on election day. As for security, I must say that every ballot No matter what type of ballot papers are printed, they will be printed with a level of security. There are at least 3 secret codes, which if other cards have already been printed are not the same. We can detect and know with the scientific process.

card security section After they are printed, the card is kept at the printing house. They are in the security room, there will be people watching all the time, there are representatives of the Election Commission of Thailand and there are CCTV cameras. Removing the card from the printed post must be accompanied by a stable postal vehicle. There is a police car following. There is a zip-tape track. And the Election Commission officials, therefore, the ballot papers are definitely stable. Which now we have already printed the card, divided into 4 parts, one part we have already sent for elections outside the Kingdom, parts 2,3,4 will be gradually printed as needed. Which the printing process before being a book uses a secret system with symbols and a storage system.- Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency