Election Commission discusses petition to select senators; Angkana urges approval first before taking action later

EC, EC discusses petition for senator selection, no signal on date of approval yet. Angkana urges approval first, then take action later, and points out that as long as the rules are like this, no matter how many times the election is held, it will still be the same. The Election Commission (EC) has convened a meeting to consider various petitions, particularly regarding the qualifications of the elected candidates and the election process, which is not in accordance with the law, totaling more than a thousand cases. The meeting was chaired by Ittiporn Boonprakong, EC chairman, especially regarding the cross-election case, which involves voting in sets with similar ballot papers. Previously, the EC prepared to certify 200 senators after tomorrow (July 3). Ms. Angkana Neelapaijit, a prospective senator, said that so far there has been no sign from the EC that it will certify those who have been elected as senators. In fact, the law states that the certification must be done 5 days after the election, which is after July 3. However, she personally thinks that even though there have been many complaints, it should be certified first. Then, if anyone lacks qualifications, they can come and claim them later. During this period, qualifications can be roughly checked first because when applying for senators, no detailed qualifications were checked. They only used their ID cards. The applicants were asked to fill in their details and look at their certificates. Therefore, to check whether they are experts and have experience in a particular field, they can check quickly. As for other qualifications, she thinks they should be certified first and then checked in detail because each group already has reserves. As for the complaints about the votes, saying that there was collusion or collusion because many people voted the same way, Ms. Angkana said that as long as this rule is in place, it will still be the same no matter how many times the election is held, because the law was issued this way. Therefore, even people wh o do not know each other at all will have to ask for votes, so she thinks that there is no way to change anything because the law states this. Personally, she thinks that the constitution and the organic laws must be amended. Once this group has been approved, they must be amended quickly. She is ready to let this group of senators end their terms according to the new constitution and then re-elect them. Otherwise, she believes that it cannot be changed. 'Even if you start recruiting again, if it's still like this, how are we going to know anyone? We just pay money to apply, and the people who will vote for us also pay money to vote. We hardly know anyone, especially in the provinces. When I searched on Google, I didn't know anyone. Everyone got high scores, but I still got some independent votes. So let me tell you, if the law isn't amended, no matter how many times the election is held, it will still be the same,' said Ms. Angkana. Source: Thai News Agency