Emphasize joint training to control forest fires is important

Suthin' opens flight training to control forest fires and smog. Emphasizes that joint training is important. Opening a fire preparedness center is a good thing. We accept that we need to add more aircraft and equipment. Ready to nourish the morale of the Tiger Fire team of the Royal Forest Department.

Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense presided over the opening of the 2024 forest fire and haze control flight training, which the Royal Thai Air Force Worked together with the 3rd Army Region, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. Ministry of Interior Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization and related agencies To prepare for personnel and equipment. To support solving the problems of forest fires and smog according to government policy By integrating practices with relevant network partners To carry out training and be able to carry out missions with maximum efficiency

Mr. Suthin said at the opening of the training that This problem is the Prime Minister and the government. It is an important policy that must be implemented by everyone in order to be successful. Prevention of forest fires and smog It's something we've been doing continuously for many years. It cannot be done only by one agency. It must be integrated from all relevant ministries. including local parties In this matter, we have always been dedicated to solving the problem. But the problem is getting worse every year. The big problem discovered is that people still lack awareness and awareness of the dangers of wildfire smog. Therefore, solving the problem at the root cause is extremely important. It is believed that the government and the local government have tried, but when it happened, there was blockade and suppression in the midstream and downstream. It is a mission that we must do together. Army and Ministry of Defense It is considered an important mission. In the past, the joining of forces may not have been clear, but this year, we know that preparations were made from the beginning. and set up an administrative center and follow each other systematically And this year we did it earlier than we do every year, which is in January.

'I believe that readiness combined with alertness And combining strength and training will help us solve this problem. But there are negative factors that are challenging. and makes us work harder like general weather conditions which the El NiƱo phenomenon When it comes, it will be drier and longer. From which it will end soon, around May. It may be necessary to prepare a continuous action plan. I understand that everyone was quite tired last year. But I believe that this year will probably be quite tiring. So I would like to encourage everyone. and praise their performance in the past Ready to wish the mission success and success," Mr. Suthin said.

Mr. Suthin further gave an interview. It is important to practice together step by step. Last year, even though many agencies joined But some agencies may not have reached the center level yet. centralized coordination But this year there are two developments that make us confident that we will be able to do better than last year. Because many units have set up centers. For example, the 3rd Army Region at the same time understands that when the situation reaches a certain level The administrative department may have to declare it a disaster zone. At that point, work will become more flexible. But this announcement must be carefully considered by the government. Because it may have negative effects on tourism and the economy.

As for the obstacles, there are some, but not many, such as various aircraft. compared to the size of the problem More must be procured. In addition, there is also the Fire Tigers team of the Forest Department. that must have sufficient morale Because there has been a loss in the past year. It makes many people feel bad.

However, the real problem arises from neighboring countries. We must solve the root cause by coordinating with neighbors. which the government is coordinating with 2-3 countries, but for the Thai people Administrative department and agricultural department Go in and solve the problem at the root cause. There is a measure to buy fresh sugar cane. It is considered to be of great help on level ground. As for budget support The government allows each responsible agency to set its own budget. But there is a reserve budget. If that's really not enough, while the PM 2.5 problem in Bangkok comes mostly from construction smoke, the problem is solved in a different way than other areas.

Reporters reported that For this training, held between 18-22 December 2023, with aircraft from various units organized. Participating in the training consisted of 2 EC-725s, 1 UAV Aerostar BP system, 1 C-130H, 1 AU-23, 1 BT-67, 1 DA-42MNG, 1 C-130H, 1 AU-23. Machine, BT-67 1 machine, KA 32 1 machine, AS350B2 2 machines, Kodiak 100 1 machine, AS350B2 1 machine, Drone DJI Matric 300 RTK 1, with 47 training flights planned, 2 small drone flights.-313.

Source: Trend News Agency