Encourage the Prime Minister to fix PM 2.5 and incentivize village budgets to be free from incineration.

Bangkok, "Suchatwee" encourages the Prime Minister to seriously solve the problem of PM 2.5 dust, suggests solving the problem of incineration. Motivate village budgets to be free from incineration Mr. Suchatwee Suwansawat Deputy Leader of the Democrat Party Discussing the PM 2.5 dust problem in Chiang Mai Province, saying it can be solved with leadership. By criticizing the past visits to the area by Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Prime Minister visits Chiang Mai area But they do not listen to the problems of the villagers. and academics Does not show serious vision for solving problems Even though the Prime Minister Has authority and power to solve the toxic dust crisis. If you're serious with the management of burning This is a problem of conflicts of interest among government officials. both between agencies that each side wants to put as much budget into their agencies as possible and problems of private interests Many people benefit from the forest. or the farm was burned 'The Prime Minister has the highest power. If the issue of conflict of interest can be resolved, burning will be reduced and dust will be reduced. Therefore, the Prime Minister must decentralize power and budget by giving bonuses to villages that do not burn. Even though we may not like giving away money But it is worth more than the economic and health damage. caused by toxic dust PM 2.5 and also saves money on extinguishing fires and save the lives of officials who had to take the risk of going in to extinguish the fire And finally, the Prime Minister must use Satellite technology solves problems which photos from The Theos-2 satellite that orbits low passes Thailand 4 times a day. It will immediately know who burned and whose land is used as evidence. to take any action We have to use the good things we have fairly. The PM2.5 dust crisis is a national crisis that cannot wait any longer. Don't let it be like a straw fire, that is, come and see and then leave,' Mr. Suchatwee said. Source: Thai News Agency