Energy Minister asks EGAT to continue taking care of electricity costs. Prepare to propose to the Cabinet to consider whether or not to freeze diesel.

Bangkok, 'Piraphan', Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, presents EGAT policy, emphasizing being a state mechanism to help take care of the people. The electricity bill is fair. and prepare to offer The Cabinet is considering whether to continue fixing diesel at 30 baht/liter or not after the resolution was reached until the end of this month, hoping the finance ministry would reduce fuel taxes. Mr. Peeraphan Saleerathavipak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, revealed that yesterday (27 March) there was a meeting to give policy to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), with Mr. Prasert. Sinsukprasert Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy As Chairman of EGAT, Mr. Debarat Theppitak, Governor of EGAT, and senior executives attended, emphasizing that it is a government mechanism to help take care of people to have appropriate, fair, and ready electricity prices. Thank you EGAT for supporting the policies of the Ministry of Energy and the government. Especially help ing to take care of electricity bills However, for the electricity bill in the next period, it is believed that there will be a part that EGAT can use to gradually pay off debt every month. EGAT is responsible for the accumulated accrued Ft electricity bill as of December 31, 2023, amounting to 99,689 million baht. 'It will be our own history. We have performed our duties for the people. We have performed our duties for the country. We are a state enterprise. We are not 100% government officials, but our duties and responsibilities are no different. That is, it is mainly done for the benefit of the people. We are the ones who have to bear it. I understand that in managing an organization like this you have to survive the organization as well. But do not forget that above all else it is the benefit of the people. of the nation, we must bear it,' Mr. Peeraphan said. In addition, as EGAT oversees the stability of the electrical system, which requires up to 67% of natural gas to produce electricity, it is seen that EGAT should participate in the management of natural gas (Pool Manager). ) Overall, in order to ensure that energy business operations are efficient, transparent, and fair to the people who use energy. As for the amendment of laws related to EGAT's operations, both the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Act, B.E. 2511 and the Royal Decree on Electrical Energy Consumers, B.E. 2512, it is deemed appropriate to expedite amendments to suit the energy situation. that changes rapidly and related energy business operations By expediting the appointment of an internal committee within EGAT to collect issues that need to be resolved. and present it to relevant agencies as soon as possible Mr. Prasert said that the problem of debt burden, the burden of accumulated unpaid Ft electricity bills, Mr. Peeraphan He informed that he would help look at the details and discuss with the Ministry of Finance whether to reduce the amount of money sent to the government by EGAT in order to help enhance liquidity. Be cause it is considered to be helping the people and praising EGAT for taking care of the people. As for the case of diesel fuel prices that The Cabinet has ordered the price to be fixed at 30 baht/liter until the end of March 2024, Mr. Peeraphan There is concern for the people. If the price is to increase, it will affect the cost of living. But I have to admit that At this time, the fuel fund Bearing the burden of high subsidies and difficult circumstances If there is continued subsidy at the current rate Therefore ordered the Ministry of Energy to make a proposal. Cabinet as quickly as possible so that the Cabinet can find a solution together on which approach to choose. If it will continue to be fixed at 30 baht/liter The Ministry of Finance must be involved in reducing excise taxes. I don't know what the Ministry of Finance's opinion will be. Reporters reported that Oil Fund Status It is expected to be negative at the level of 100,000 million baht by March 31. As of March 24, 2024, the Oil Fund's net pos ition was negative 98,220 million baht, divided into the oil account negative 51,136 million baht and the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) account negative 47,084 million baht. baht, while the diesel compensation rate from the Oil Fund as of March 28, 2024 was at the level of 4.65 baht/liter, excise tax 5.06 baht, and if looking at the trend of diesel oil prices in the world market, it is still on average at the level of 100 USD/barrel. As a result, the trend of compensation will continue to be at a high level. Source: Thai News Agency