Exam results for MPs attacking girlfriend to the party committee

Thai Summit Building, July 3rd - "Natthawut" revealed the results of the "Sirin" examination to the party executive committee. Rejecting the answer using the same criteria as MPs for drunk driving Let's wait to see the official results.

Mr. Nuttawut Bua Prathum, MP for the Kao Klai Party list as a member of the Kao Klai Party disciplinary committee, briefly disclosed before attending the meeting. Party MPs at the Thai Summit Building that he was going up to prepare for the meeting by today in travel to parliament to attend the opening ceremony of the parliament The MPs did not get together on the tour bus together like before. because there is no budget

As for the case of Mr. Sirin Sanguansin, MP for Bangkok, the far-reaching party, who had an issue with his girlfriend's assault and had come out to clear it. How will the disciplinary committee proceed? Mr. Nuttawut said that the facts have been investigated.

The reporter asked repeatedly that The same criteria must apply as in the case. MPs who drive drunk who had to resign at all or not, Mr. Nattawut said he had to wait and see the results, now presenting to the party executive committee for consideration.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency