EXAT announces price adjustments to tolls and expressways on 1 March.

Bangkok: EXAT announces adjustment of toll rates and Burapha Withi Expressway. According to the TFFIF fund contract conditions, 4-wheel vehicles from 40 to 45 baht, starting 1 March 2024. News report from the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) informing that there will be an adjustment to the Chalong Rat Expressway toll rates. and the Bruphawithi Expressway According to the contract conditions of the Thailand Future Infrastructure Fund TFFIF that will be increased every 5 years, the toll rates will be adjusted on 1 March 2024 after delaying the increase in toll fees according to the contract since 1 July. 2023 to help reduce the cost burden of expressway users and the public. The Chalong Rat Expressway and Burapha Withi Expressway There has not been a toll increase in more than 6 years. Calculated according to the Consumer Index (CPI) that will increase approximately 10% or approximately 5 baht, with details as follows. For Chalong Rat Expressway toll rates 4-wheel vehicles, original price 40 baht, a djusted to 45 baht. 6-10 wheel vehicles, original price 60 baht, adjusted to 65 baht. Vehicles with more than 10 wheels, original price 80 baht, adjusted to 90 baht. This includes the exception of Ramintra 1 checkpoint and Sukhapiban 5-2 checkpoint. 4-wheel vehicles, original price 20 baht, no increase. 6-10 wheel vehicles, original price 30 baht, adjusted to 35 baht. Vehicles with more than 10 wheels, original price 40 baht, adjusted to 45 baht. For Burapha Withi Expressway toll rates for 4-wheel vehicles, in the case of traveling no more than 20 kilometers, the original toll rates will apply. In the case of traveling more than 20 kilometers, the toll rate will be adjusted to a minimum of 5 baht and a maximum of not more than 10 baht, calculated according to distance. While for 6-10 wheel vehicles, in the case of traveling no more than 20 kilometers, the toll will be increased by 5 baht. In the case of traveling more than 20 kilometers, the toll rate will be adjusted to a minimum of 10 baht and a maximum o f not more than 20 baht, calculated according to distance. For vehicles with more than 10 wheels, in the case of traveling no more than 20 kilometers, the toll will be increased by 5 baht. In the case of traveling more than 20 kilometers, the toll rate will be adjusted to a minimum of 10 baht and a maximum of not more than 25 baht, calculated according to distance. In this regard, EXAT has continuously tried to delay the increase in toll fees on these two expressway routes. Especially the Chalong Rat Expressway which has not raised toll fees for 15 years, despite administrative expenses Maintenance of expressways to keep them in good condition will continue to increase every year Source: Thai News Agency