Excise Department confirmed that the fire did not affect important documents.

Bangkok 6 Jun-Sappasimit Confirmed that the fire did not affect important documents. After upgrading to a digital organization

Mr. Kriengkrai Phatthanaporn, Deputy Director-General of the Excise Department As a spokesperson for the Excise Department revealed that in the event of a fire on the 3rd floor of the Excise Department building on the afternoon of June 5, 2023, with messages being shared on social media In the issue that an explosion was heard. and a fire in the secret archive room As already presented in the news

“It is a misrepresentation of facts. In fact, the area where the accident occurred was the Planning and Quality Management Development Division, Office of Tax Planning, which was responsible for strategic work of the Excise Department. this event Although causing damage to government property and some documents but does not damage the data and does not affect the operations of the Excise Department Because the work has been upgraded by saving all documents in digital file format, ”said Kriangkrai.

Mr. Ekniti Nitithanprapas The Director-General of the Excise Department said that the Excise Department has announced the strategy to develop the organization to be modern and keep up with the changes in the world. By upgrading to a digital organization (Digital Transformation) by integrating digital technology into the work process systematically. There is a link in the workflow part. Operational data information system including infrastructure Seamless integration between the digital world and the real world. And create a prototype of a paperless service agency (Paperless) to store various government documents in the form of digital files. reflecting being an organization that strives to be environmentally friendly and action towards sustainability

The fire incident occurred this time. Therefore, there is no impact on the operation process of the Excise Department. And not damage the information of people, entrepreneurs or other stakeholders and the Excise Department can still open for business as usual. for the cause of the fire It is still in the process of verification and proof of evidence. Initially, officials suspected that it might have been caused by a short circuit and caused a loud explosion-like noise. The facts will be informed further.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency