Explain the conditions for foster families to care for the elderly.

Government House,, "Warawut" explains that the Ministry of Education's communication was incorrect. Conditions for foster families to care for the elderly Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security Clarifying cases of misunderstandings Important conditions for considering foster family money For helping to care for poor elderly people Which doesn't let everyone say that they have to apologize. If the news was given earlier From the Director-General of the Department of Elderly Affairs It's a little confusing. From today (April 23) until May 15, applications will be accepted for foster families. to care for the elderly which can apply for rights according to domicile You can get it at the Department of Elderly Affairs or Provincial Health Office. Mr. Warawut emphasized that the budget the Ministry received in 2024 supported only 1,107 families. cannot cover all elderly people But in the fiscal year 2025, we will contact to request an increase in the budget. But how much will it be? Must continue to coordinate with the Budget Office. Mr. Warawut said about the conditions for receiving money from foster families that Must take care of elderly people who are poor and have no caretakers, such as being left alone. Elderly people are poor and have caregivers but are unable to care for them, such as children or relatives who take care of them and have no income. or have insufficient income or have to resign from work to take care of Lack of regular income which caregivers of the elderly must take care of closely Continuously 24 hours a day and elderly people waiting in line to receive services in the Elderly Social Welfare Development Center or a state welfare institution or a foundation that does not charge that fee You can request an amount of 2,000 baht, but if a family has more needs, it may be up to 3,000 baht per family. This amount will be received every month. Not just once Even though the fiscal year has passed, we still receive it. But these rights will disappear. When the eld erly person dies Or have children and grandchildren to take care of. Source: Thai News Agency

Explain the conditions for foster families to care for the elderly.

Government House,, "Warawut" explains that the Ministry of Education's communication was incorrect. Conditions for foster families to care for the elderly Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security Clarifying cases of misunderstandings Important conditions for considering foster family money For helping to care for poor elderly people Which doesn't let everyone say that they have to apologize. If the news was given earlier From the Director-General of the Department of Elderly Affairs It's a little confusing. From today (April 23) until May 15, applications will be accepted for foster families. to care for the elderly which can apply for rights according to domicile You can get it at the Department of Elderly Affairs or Provincial Health Office. Mr. Warawut emphasized that the budget the Ministry received in 2024 supported only 1,107 families. cannot cover all elderly people But in the fiscal year 2025, we will contact to request an increase in the budget. But how much will it be? Must continue to coordinate with the Budget Office. Mr. Warawut said about the conditions for receiving money from foster families that Must take care of elderly people who are poor and have no caretakers, such as being left alone. Elderly people are poor and have caregivers but are unable to care for them, such as children or relatives who take care of them and have no income. or have insufficient income or have to resign from work to take care of Lack of regular income which caregivers of the elderly must take care of closely Continuously 24 hours a day and elderly people waiting in line to receive services in the Elderly Social Welfare Development Center or a state welfare institution or a foundation that does not charge that fee You can request an amount of 2,000 baht, but if a family has more needs, it may be up to 3,000 baht per family. This amount will be received every month. Not just once Even though the fiscal year has passed, we still receive it. But these rights will disappear. When the eld erly person dies Or have children and grandchildren to take care of. Source: Thai News Agency