Explains 5 ways to take care of “Yok”, suggests an open mind to accept the new generation

SorThor. 21 June – "Mr. Yongyut" clarified 5 guidelines for taking care of "Yok", stressing to urgently find a real parent to take care of children according to the law. According to the juvenile court process, during this time, the school allowed "Yok" to attend classes and collect course points. for the future of children If you want to study elsewhere referring to a political party Stop interfering with children individually. because it will make the child a political victim should focus on the whole system And the Ministry of Education must be open-minded and accept the new generation. Rules can no longer be followed without arguments.

Dr. Yongyut Wongpiromsarn Advisor to the Department of Mental Health Discussing the way to take care of "Jade" that conflicts that arise in society escalate and start more In addition, the status of "Jade" is not clear whether he is a student or not. In this regard, it was seen that

Multidisciplinary agencies, including the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) and the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) should take care of this matter and fix it. to find a suitable solution

Schools should allow students to study and collect courses first. for the benefit of children If in the future have to find another study place Children will not lose benefits or educational opportunities.

should urgently find a suitable parent for the child by parents here It doesn't mean just a group of people who wish well with children. but must have parental potential and truly take care of Thai children. PM came to mediate and petitioning for juvenile and family court proceedings Let's consider if the right parents to look after children

The media should refrain from reporting children's news and taking pictures because no matter how the child behaves, climbs the school fence, or how he acts. In the future, these things will still appear online. even though he is an adult and asked to stop criticizing and creating self-evident hatred with various discourses

The Ministry of Education (MOE) should use this opportunity to review and improve the school education model. By understanding the context of the new generation that they can no longer follow the rules without controversy or controversy

Dr. Yongyuth said that what must be done urgently is to find a suitable parent for the child by legal mechanism to protect children according to the rights of children without allowing children to be victims at the same time that the political parties should not interfere with children And should stop using children as political tools on an individual basis, but should go back to thinking in a systematic way to solve children's problems. How can youth become good citizens with social immunity? In this regard, it can be seen that the term "school uniform" or "dress" is no longer an educational limitation. The context of the problem is diverse, there is no right or wrong, for example, in remote, poor areas, wearing school uniforms. is an increase in costs and in a wealthy school And most children have good status scraps. wearing school uniform Helping children stay organized and reduce inequality in each family .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency