Found suspicious of private sector bidding on project to purchase Royal Rainmaking Department aircraft

Parliament, The committee followed up on the budget and found suspicious private companies bidding on a project to buy more than a billion baht in airplanes from the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation. Take the government officials to see the work at the checkpoint. By taking a leave of absence from work before receiving the bid, the NACC would continue its investigation. Mr. Natthaphong Ruangpanyawut Chairman of the Committee to Study the Preparation and Monitoring of Budget Management House of Representatives Statement after the meeting said Followed the budget of the Rice Department and the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation. For its part, the Rice Department has considered the budget spending related to the use of organic fertilizers. The Director-General explained at the meeting that It is the part of using the budget to buy fertilizer that goes into the government innovation account or BCG and the part related to rice seeds goes directly to over 200 rice cent ers. The total budget is 829 million baht when the money is transferred to the center's BAAC account. Various rice Each rice center will go and buy agricultural equipment among themselves. It was found that the equipment was not subject to the government procurement materials regulations, which would cause concern. Perhaps the director in charge of various parts There may be a close relationship with people who buy and sell goods in each area. and may not comply with direct procurement regulations Therefore, there is concern that there may be loopholes in various agencies. The committee therefore resolved to send its observations to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and the Comptroller General's Department. Including related agencies In order for the Ministry to consider whether there are any channels through which it can issue regulations to supervise the use of subsidies for community rice centers from now on. with comparable cases Using the budget of local government organizations Mr. Natthaph ong said that the committee had made an observation. Budget of the Royal Rainmaking Department and Agricultural Aviation It was found that in the auction for the project to purchase 2 aircraft worth 11,88 million baht, there were 3 bids opened, with no bidder submitting a bid envelope. And when there are bidders Found something worrisome is the private company that was announced as the winner of the bid for the project to purchase the 2 aircraft. It had previously taken the Royal Rainmaking Department's executives to see the work in the Czech Republic. and received an explanation at the meeting that The budget for the study tour is paid out by the private company. Where civil servants traveling on study tours use their official leave rights. Therefore, this is something that the Commission has observed. According to the explanation, he listened to the weight of reasons from both sides. The Director-General explained that before approving the purchase of an airplane worth over a billion baht, he wanted to see it in a real place and the real thing, but he inquired to National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) whether this kind of behavior would be a conflict of interest or not. Because private funds were used for this study tour. Ready to send the matter to the NACC to carry out its duties further. As for the case of the Rice Department, Mr. Natthaphong said that the committee It was found that the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives had already set up an examination committee. Therefore, it was decided to wait for the committee to finish its work and on March 14th will call the Rice Department to explain further information. As for the Royal Rainmaking Department, February 21 It will be a case that will be explained to the Budget Committee. We will continue to follow. As for the matter of property staking It is seen that the media space has been used and those involved have come out to give interviews on the media many times. Today the main message of the meeting wanted to focus on the content of budget use, saying that if it is done with transparency, there will be no loss of assets. You have to worry. Source: Thai News Agency