GH Bank helps flood victims in the southern region

Bangkok, GH Bank issues 7 measures to help flood victims. Lower Southern Region reduces debt burden, alleviates damage to people's homes. with lenient conditions Government Housing Bank (GH Bank), as a state financial institution with a mission of "making Thai people have homes," is ready to carry out the government policies of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. To help customers and citizens affected by the flash flood situation. Flash flood As a result, the residences and occupations of people in many provinces in the lower southern region were severely damaged, with the creation of "measures to help victims of natural disasters in the year 2024". 7 measures include: Measure 1 for current GH Bank customers who are in the process of using floating interest rates (MRR -0.50%, MRR -1.00% or MRR, etc.) in the case of collateral. (Residence mortgaged with the bank) of oneself or one's spouse who has suffered damage from a natural disaster can request a reduction of 50% from the normal installment payment. and reduce the interest rate to 2.00% per year for a period of 6 months Measure 2 for new loan customers or current GH Bank customers whose collateral or their spouse's insurance has been damaged as a result of a natural disaster. You can apply for an additional loan or a new loan to build a building to replace the original one. or recover and repair damaged buildings The loan limit per person is not more than 1 million baht per 1 collateral. The loan interest rate is fixed at 2.00% per year for 1 year. Year 2 interest rate MRR -3.30% per year (currently equal to 3.60% per year). Year 3 interest rate. MRR -2.40% per year (currently equal to 4.50% per year) and the 4th year until the entire loan contract period. In the case of welfare customers The interest rate is MRR -1.00% per year in the case of general retail customers. The interest rate is MRR -0.50% per year. Measure 3 for NPL status customers whose collateral has been damaged Compromise the debt for a period not exceeding 1 year and 6 months, with an interest rate of 0% per annum for the first 6 months and no installment payments required. Then from the 7th to 18th months, the interest rate is 1.00% per year, with installment payments not less than the monthly interest. And when the debt reconciliation period has expired, return to using the interest rate according to the original rights before using this measure. Measure 4 for NPL status customers whose income is affected Compromise the debt for a period of no more than 1 year with an interest rate of 0% per year for the first 6 months and pay in installments of only 1,000 baht (all principal is deducted). Then, in the 7th-12th months, the interest rate is 1.00% per year and pay in installments. The installment is not less than the monthly interest plus another 100 baht and when the installments are paid at the end of the debt reconciliation period. Let customers return to using the interest rate as per their original rights before using this measure. Measure 5 for customers with normal account status and NPL status who have died or become permanently disabled. Pay in installments using an interest rate of 0.01% per year for the remaining period. (Considered on a case-by-case basis) Measure 6 for customers with normal account status and NPL status if the entire residence is damaged and cannot be repaired. Be free of debt for the building price. and continue to pay in installments only for the remaining land. (Considered on a case-by-case basis) Measure 7: Consider urgent claims (Fast Track) for customers who have a home fire insurance policy that covers natural disasters with an insurance company provided by the bank. Consider paying compensation to all disaster-affected customers urgently as a special case. The insured can report damages using photographs. Pay according to actual damage not exceeding 20,000 baht and for customers with insurance policies starting from November 1, 2019, additional natural disaster coverage based on actual damages not exceeding 30,000 baht per year (details and conditions as per the policy) Customers who wish to request services according to measures 1-6 can contact GH Bank branches from now until December 30, 2024, and measures 7 can contact GH Bank branches from now onwards. Ask for more details at All GH Bank branches nationwide, GH Bank Call Center, call 0-2645-9000 or Facebook Fanpage, Government Housing Bank. And follow the bank's news at Mobile Application: GHB ALL GEN and

Source: Thai News Agency