Go far, tell senators to support “Pitha” just manipulating prices

Bangkok, June 23-"Seri" beat "Kao Klai" to manipulate the price of senators supporting "Pitha" as prime minister, revealing that many people withdrew due to unclear qualifications. come back to win, keep an eye on

Mr. Seri Suwanpanon, member of the Senate (Senator), chairman of the Committee on Political Development and Political Participation in the Senate, spoke about the case when the Progressive Party revealed that there was a good direction for the senator to Support Mr. Phitha Lim Chareonrat Candidate for the Prime Minister, Kao Klai Party, said it was a political price manipulation or political stock manipulation. Because from what they know The senators who are named in support of the Prime Minister of the majority, about 20 people, most of them never mention Mr. Pita's name. And some never came out or confirmed their support. and some began to retreat because he was not confident in Mr. Phitha's qualifications There are also cases where the Progressive Party insists on pushing for the amendment of Article 112 as well.

"In the committee of political development There are still issues to examine about Mr. Pita's qualifications. Which I have not yet asked to disclose details. Because someone cried Because at this time it is still the process that the officer sends the letter to the agency for information. Which is an issue about liabilities and assets that are consistent with the property knot, ”said Seri.

While Mr. Wanchai Sornsiri posted a message via Facebook stating that the 312 party won the election overwhelmingly. but lost 188 votes to the other party, losing the election completely But won the vote, each side lost. both sides win Will anyone agree? Now someone is going to make the side that looks like it's losing come back to win outright…I know… But wrap it up first… I asked to meditate still at Wat Kai Tia, before that, Mr. Wanchai had stated that “I know it will be cold. This game is really multi-layered, flipping, turning, locking, landslide. Let's wait and see".-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency