Government Savings Bank notifies debtors who are unable to pay their installments and immediately contact the bank.

Bangkok: Government Savings Bank informs debtors that they are unable to make payments in all situations. Hurry and contact the bank before losing your credit history. After measures 4: No, no lawsuits, no seizure of assets, no auction. and did not file for bankruptcy, ending March 31, 2024 Mr. Withai Rattanakorn, Director of the Government Savings Bank, revealed that after the Government Savings Bank has created measures to solve debt and continue to help all groups of debtors. The entire group has begun to pay bills, including NPLs debtors and debtors in the litigation process. At this time, there are still a number of debtors who still face problems with insufficient income. causing it to affect monthly debt repayments This is in order to lighten the debtor's burden. and help prevent debtors from losing their financial credit in the long run The Government Savings Bank has prepared several debt repayment plans for each debtor as appropriate. and consistent with the individual's ability to repay debt Fo r example, suspend payment of principal and pay interest in full or in part or according to the repayment plan approved by the bank Therefore, we would like to invite debtors of all types of loans. All situations that are experiencing problems, whether small businesses or SME businesses, including debtors who are overdue for no more than 90 days and whose status is not yet NPLs, or debtors whose status is NPLs as of Dec. 31, 2023, can contact for advice. and jointly find solutions to solve debt problems Available at the Government Savings Bank, account holder branch or convenient branches nationwide. From now on As for measures 4 No, to delay legal proceedings, do not sue, do not confiscate property, and do not sell at public auction. and did not file for bankruptcy The period has been extended from the original year 2023 to end on March 31, 2024 so that debtors can participate in debt resolution measures with the above banks. For more information, please contact the GSB Contact Center at tel. 1115 and at f acebook: GSB Society.-515-Thai News Agency. Source: Thai News Agency