Government Savings Bank provides loans to enhance liquidity for small independent professionals.

House, "Rudklao" Deputy Government Spokesperson Government Savings Bank revealed Providing loans to enhance liquidity and funds for careers for small self-employed people. Long installments of up to 8 years and no collateral required. Mrs. Radklao Inthawong Suwankiri, Deputy Spokesperson of the Prime Minister's Office, informed the news that the Government Savings Bank gave 'Loans for small self-employed individuals' to enhance liquidity in their careers, maximum credit limit 100,000 baht, no collateral required. Pay in installments up to 96 installments. Mrs. Radklao said that the Government Savings Bank issues loans to self-employed people or small entrepreneurs, such as motorbike drivers for hire. taxi driver Drivers of public vans, merchants, or online product distributors, etc., for funding their careers. By granting loans according to necessity and ability to repay debt, not more than 100,000 baht per person. No collateral required. Interest rate 1.00 percent per month (Flat Rate). But if the default rate is not to repay the debt. The interest rate is equal to the maximum interest rate according to the contract plus 0.25 percent per month. By self-employed people or small entrepreneurs Must be a natural person, Thai nationality, 20 years of age or older. And when combining the borrower's age with the loan repayment period, it must not exceed 70 years and be a resident or established establishment. Can be contacted Those who are interested and meet the conditions can apply at All Government Savings Bank branches or apply online at the bank's website. ( by bringing complete application documents. 'Loans for self-employed people or small entrepreneurs. It may seem like a hassle, so the Government Savings Bank has provided loans according to this government policy to help increase liquidity. Or use it as working capital to make a living as a motorcycle driver for hire, a taxi, public van, or a vendor. This loan will be another reliable option for those inte rested,' Mrs. Radklao said. Source: Thai News Agency