Helping 3 lives, installing a lift in a gas station

Chanthaburi, Rescue teams mobilized to break safety glass, saving three lives: mother, child, and babysitter. Elevators are installed in rest areas at gas stations in Chanthaburi Province. The rescue team tried to use cutting equipment. Pry open the glass elevator door In the food court of a gas station in the Khao Tanok area, Khao Wua Subdistrict, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province, it was opened, but because the elevator was a safety system Therefore cannot be opened. Later, he used an ax to break the glass in front of the elevator. It took more than 15 minutes to help 3 people stuck in the elevator get out safely. All of them were in a weary state. Especially a 3-year-old child, whom the medical team provided first aid to and then immediately rushed him for further treatment at Tha Mai Hospital. Ask people who were at the event. who was a friend of the person stuck in the elevator, said that before the incident, he and his friend's family were traveling in Chanthaburi Province and stopped by to eat food at the food court on the 2nd floor. Then the friend's older sister which is stuck in the elevator Along with her 3-year-old daughter and babysitter, they entered the elevator on the second floor to go downstairs. Without noticing there was a sign. Broken elevator lying and was turned upside down until he was trapped in an elevator for 30 minutes before rescue workers will come and help bring him out. while the owner of a gas station clarified that The elevator at the food center had a malfunction. It's actually under maintenance. A warning sign has been installed in front of the elevator. Both from the lower entrance and the upper food court entrance. But today there are a lot of customers coming to use the service. And I don't know if anyone has gone to turn around the sign that was there or not. But there is still another label attached to the press. As a result, customers may not notice. Gas stations I would like to express my responsibility for the incident. In order to create a good image for Chant haburi's tourism. Source: Thai News Agency