Helping a child escape death from the Mae Sot forest fire.

Tak, Impressive pictures of officials from Tak Highway District 2, Mae Sot, rescuing a young echidna escaping death from a forest fire. While extinguishing a forest fire along National Highway 12, Sathak - Mae Sot route. This incident happened because of an officer's dog. A follower of the forest fire extinguishing team had a strange behavior, staring and barking at the base of the bamboo grove where the forest fire was burning. When we walked over to look, we found Mae Tun nursing a baby. Officials tried to help bring it out to the place where the forest fire had started. But Mae Toon was alarmed. Taking the child to escape from the pin and go into the underground hole. Rescue workers were able to get one animal out when the forest fire spread to the base of the bamboo grove. And after helping put out the forest fire He brought a little echidna that had not yet opened its eyes. Placed it at the base of the bamboo for a long time. But Mae Toon didn't come out. With a continuous mission The staff therefore h ad to take the baby to a veterinarian to get advice on basic care. before handing over to the relevant agencies to take care of the kindergarten As for the forest fire situation in the area above Bhumibol Dam Reservoir Increasingly violent Officials continue to rush to control and extinguish the fire. Source: Thai News Agency