Horse account seized, damage amount exceeding 50 million

Songkhla, Authorities raided and arrested a 50-year-old woman in Songkhla province for opening a dummy account to conduct transactions to defraud villagers. Damages amounted to as much as 50 million baht, with 5 arrest warrants, claiming to have opened an account for a close friend from elementary school to borrow money. Police Patrol Division Special Operations Command Or the Narcotics Control Board together with the Song Le War Elephants team of Border Patrol Police Station 434, Phatthalung Province, brought an arrest warrant to arrest Ms. Tawanna or Na, age 50, at a house in Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province. There was a camera in front of the house. CCTV kept an eye on any abnormalities. At first, Ms. Tawanna still refused to open the door. But when the officer presented the arrest warrant, he surrendered and opened the door for him. This woman is the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the Surat Thani Provincial Court on charges of conspiracy to commit fraud by posing as someone else. and is a person under an arrest warrant from the Phuket Provincial Court in 2022 on charges of conspiring to commit fraud by posing as someone else. and an offense involving false computer information, where Ms. Tawanna was the person who opened a horse account to conduct financial transactions related to illegal businesses. and deceive and defraud the public, especially online, such as selling products online without actually having the product or conduct financial transactions in various forms Through an online system that tricks customers into transferring money Ms. Tawanna claims to have no knowledge of the case in which the arrest warrant was issued and has never been involved in the fraud. As for the bank account, it has been opened to close friends since elementary school. We eat and sleep together so we trust. A friend opened a company and a construction materials store. Surat Thani Province and asked him to open an account, telling him to use it to circulate the money in the account in order to borrow money to get a larger amount. After that, his friend moved to Bangkok. and lost contact until the present So I never knew that my friend used it for illegal transactions. I only found out when an arrest warrant was issued for fraud. The first time was in 61 and he was released from prison in 65. While in prison, he had met many others who had been arrested in the same case as him and had been tricked by this friend into opening a horse account for them. And this time, I added that there were 2 more arrest warrants. In the past, I had never escaped because I knew that I had never deceived anyone. For Ms. Tawanna's history, she has had 5 arrest warrants for fraud cases, some of which have already been prosecuted. As for 2 warrants from Muang Surat Thani Police Station. The amount of damage is 2,673,000 baht and there is an arrest warrant for Muang Phuket Police Station The amount of damage is 3,600,000 baht, totaling 50 million baht in damages from the case of defrauding people from opening horse accounts. Officers took him into custody and sent him to Surat Thani City Police Station. and will investigate and expand the results to those who are the main cause of opening horse accounts in order to conduct illegal transactions and defraud villagers in this network. Source: Thai News Agency