Hunt Chinese gangs Cause the cause of holding a compatriot to extort hundreds of thousands of money

Bangkok, April 22 - Hunt for fat and skinny Chinese gangs. caused the act of holding a woman of the same nationality in the Huai Khwang area before using a fake passport to flee the country

Maj. Gen. Noppasin Poolsawat, deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, gave a statement. The Chinese gang carries a 25-year-old Chinese woman before fleeing the country in the Huai Khwang area, stating that the incident occurred on April 17, continuing on April 18, in a condominium area on the 35th floor in the Rama 9 area, where the victim was hit by a gang. Jean physically assaulted and stripped her clothes and tied them to a chair. before being forced to transfer 427,500 baht and disperse to flee preliminary examination of the body There were wounds from bondage and slap marks on his face. But no signs of sexual harassment were found.

There are 2 criminals, namely Mr. Tang Si Wei or Mr. Zhang Ji-ming, with a thin body who escaped by taking a taxi to Suvarnabhumi Airport. before using a passport in the name of Tang Xiwei Taking a plane out of the country The destination is Phnom Penh. Cambodia The other culprit, Su Wei, was quite fat. After the incident, he rode a motorcycle back to his home in the Sutthisan area. In which the investigation found that the house had 7 other Chinese residents, and the investigation found no connection to the incident. Just a normal tourist

For Mr. Tang Xiwei The examination found that there was a history of traveling in and out of Thailand since 2016, 3 times, as for Mr. Su Wei. Has a history of traveling in and out of Thailand 12 times since 2017, every time traveling as a tourist

According to the investigation, it is believed that the two criminals have been friends since China. And planning to come to the scene in Thailand The room was rented from April 16-19, before randomly selecting a Chinese female victim. And befriended the victim since April 13 and persuaded him to come to the room on April 17 to act. At this time, the officers have issued arrest warrants for the two accused on suspicion of joint robbery causing others physical and mental harm. and harass others to commit acts of violence imprison others And frightened others by threatening and has coordinated with the Foreign Affairs Division of the Royal Thai Police to follow up. After this, the officer will verify the origin of Mr. Tang Siwei's two passports. Whether from Thailand or China as well

Police Major General Noppasilp admitted that in the past 1-2 months There are increasing crimes between Chinese people in many areas, however, insisting that Thai law is strong. Because of the fact that foreigners come to commit crimes in Thailand because there is no arrest warrant for Interpol As a result, it is impossible to check the criminal record of Chinese people entering Thailand. In addition, Thailand is a popular tourist destination. Therefore, it is a loophole that criminals use to attack in Thailand.

However, the Thai authorities have coordinated with the Chinese authorities to ensure stricter sanctions. Increasing surveillance measures for Chinese nationals with arrest warrants in China before leaving the country as well And if people find Chinese citizens who are likely to cause crime, please contact 191 for the authorities to investigate. which can be observed from the behavior of gathering together in large numbers Buying or renting real estate, making loud noises, or other unusual behavior .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency