I believe it will not affect the morale of the officials.

Government House, "Pol. Col. Thawee" denies harassment after the former Labor Minister threatened to sue the DSI. The charge of human trafficking of people who went to pick fruit in Finland is confirmed. It does not affect morale. Officials point out that everything is based on evidence. Pol.Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Referring to the case of the former Minister of Labor Threatening to sue the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) for bringing charges against 2 former ministers and 2 senior executives of the Ministry of Labor. In an offense against the official position In the case of finding evidence related to the process of sending Thai workers as victims of human trafficking in wild fruit picking in the Republic of Finland. An average of 3,000 baht per person was deducted, with a damage value of 36 million baht, saying that reports had been received from the Permanent Secretary of various ministries and agencies that the said case was an offense that occurred outside the Kingdom. The A ttorney General is the investigating officer. and filed charges with the Finnish police 'Ambassador of Finland in Thailand Informing that foreign agencies have investigated and found that There is evidence and has the International Criminal Cooperation Act (M Rap) able to listen to evidence Because the Finnish police probably don't know Thai people. Then the Attorney General As an investigator with the DSI We investigated personal witnesses, documentary evidence, and scientific witnesses and both units came to the same opinion. Not any one person And according to the report, it is also stated that the Finnish police have come to investigate Thailand many times. But I don't want to talk in detail. Because I fear there will be damage. The work of the DSI tries to raise the level of investigators. To have expertise By adhering to evidence as important The important thing is to be fair to all parties and confirm that There is no bullying of anyone,' the Justice Minister said. When asked if being sued does not a ffect the morale of the officers or not, Pol. Col. Thawee said that it is normal for every case to be like this. We are ready to be fair to everyone. If you feel that you have not been treated fairly Or think that there is any evidence that can be clarified. Because of the DSI investigation He has ordered the collection of all kinds of evidence to prove wrongdoing. and purity Confirm that there is no problem. Source: Thai News Agency