I want it to be adjusted in the provincial areas.

Parliament, "MP Puad" opens debate on urgent motion to protect the first royal convoy. Pointing out that there is no problem in Bangkok. But I want it to be adjusted in the provincial areas. Advise to notify schedule in advance Please don't judge "Tawan" just yet. Ask that the justice process be followed. Reporters reported that After the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTC) and the Democrat Party (Democrat Party) presented a motion to review security measures to ensure the safety of the royal procession of His Majesty the King and royal family members to ensure safety as a deterrent. Behavior obstructing the royal procession that may cause harm or dishonor the King has been completed. After that, the House of Representatives meeting An opportunity was given to members to discuss Mr. Chaiyamphawan Manpianjit. Bangkok MP, Thai Progress Party Be the first to open a discussion Talking about clearing the path to protect the safety of the royal procession. which in the area Bangkok has already adjusted. in order not to affect traffic Open special channels for people to travel. 'But in the provincial areas The road will be cleared 4 hours in advance before the royal procession, which I think is too much. Therefore, I would like to propose 3 ways to reduce the impact of traffic closures: 1. Close only the royal lane and open other lanes for the public to travel. 2. Have relevant agencies publicize in advance so that people can avoid the route. and 3. There should be an agency to host the event to help with the relief from the traffic closure,' Mr. Chaiyamphavan said. Mr. Chaiyamphavan spoke about the case of "Tawan" honking his horn on the royal procession, saying, "Please don't judge me yet." Until all the facts are known But if it gets to the point where it's known It is up to the discretion of the justice process. Source: Thai News Agency