Interior Ministry explains that the Senate recruitment system has been revised and is now back to normal use.

Bangkok, Interior Ministry spokesperson explains the reason for the delay in the application system for senators. Revealed that the government is taking corrective action Can resume normal operations now. Ms. Traisulee Traisanakul, Secretary, Minister of Interior And a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior said that as of this morning (20 May) the media reported on the atmosphere of accepting Senate members (Senate members) and found that the recruitment system was delayed. The Ministry of Interior, as the agency in charge of recruitment, is not complacent. The Department of Provincial Administration is constantly monitoring operations. And when problems were found, they immediately took action to fix them. And now the program for recruiting senators can proceed normally. 'The Department of Provincial Administration has inspected and found that In the event that the program for selecting senators is delayed It is not a problem caused by a system failure. However, due to the large number of documents that applicants bring during the application period. and there are large image files that need to be stored In addition, during that time Applications are open all over the country. This causes large amounts of data to be uploaded at the same time. cause delays For solving that problem The Department of Provincial Administration has improved the program. Reduce the size of the data file. and proceeded to expand communication channels from the region to the server of the Registration Administration Office, Department of Provincial Administration, which has enabled the system to return to normal operation,' said Ms. Traisulee. Source: Thai News Agency