Israel praises Thai workers above those of other nations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Panpree" admits Thai workers are still afraid. Some have returned to work in Israel. Reveals Israel promises security Observe that there is no country's workforce that is as good as Thailand's. Especially regarding agriculture Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Announcement of the results of visits abroad in the past 6 months regarding the situation of Thai workers in Israel that Can be taken back to Thailand safely There may be a few problems that require assistance. But those problems have been fixed. Many people go back again. Which we cannot stop because he has the right to freedom to travel around the world. 'Going to make a living in one country It is the right of every Thai person. Therefore, he gave advice that if going to Israel, he must go to a safe area. Do not stay in dangerous areas or overlapping areas between the lands of Israel and Gaza. I talked with the president of Israel. Thailand does not want Thai people to li ve in dangerous areas. or allowing Israel to use Thai workers in dangerous areas Israel has promised to take care of the safety of Thai people as best as possible,' the Minister of Foreign Affairs said. As for the case where the Israeli government considers finding workers of other nationalities, such as Malawi, India, and Cambodia, to replace the missing Thai workers. This time I have been informed. This is because there are still few Thai workers returning. He offered better benefits. Some people are still afraid. When you are confident that where you work is safe, you will definitely go. The worker's absence is a personal problem as he has the right to live in a safe country. 'It is the rights and freedoms of workers who can choose to go or not. This matter is a matter of the Ministry of Labor having an agreement with Israel. You'll have to ask the Ministry of Labor. Now Israel must find a replacement. both foreign ministers Israeli Ambassador to Thailand And Israeli presidents have made it clear that Th ere is no country's labor that is as good as Thai labor. Especially regarding agriculture. Source: Thai News Agency