It is expected that the overpass collapsed due to the equipment holding the bridge unable to support the weight.

Rector of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Military Officer It is expected that the overpass collapsed due to the equipment holding the bridge unable to support the weight. Confirm the bridge's piers are strong. It's not about soft soil.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Komsan Maleesi, President of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Chao Khun Ladkrabang said that from the preliminary examination And inquiring with eyewitnesses, it is expected that the incident occurred during the pulling of the wire to connect the bridge structure together. It is likely that the bridge fixing device (Locher) will not be able to support the weight and cause it to turn to the left side. causing the wire to vibrate and break An explosion was heard by many onlookers. causing the collapse of the bridge later

However, it insisted that this was not the case with the bridge's pier structure. because the piles are driven deep into the sand layer and have strength Not affected by rainwater, which is surface water. Therefore, there is not much chance that it will collapse. But it will also need to check the specification of the concrete column as well. which must be proceeded with caution As for the continuation of the construction, security measures must be established first. Therefore, construction can continue. However, there is currently no information that the construction company has standardized safety measures and meets the engineering requirements or not.

Assoc. Prof. Suphot Srinin, Vice President for Physical, Environment and Property King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) said that for the inspection of the surrounding buildings whether they need to be renovated or demolished or not, it still has to wait for a more detailed examination. It is expected to take about 2-3 weeks. Initially, residents must be asked to move out elsewhere first. As for the traffic, it is known that the district has a plan to accelerate the clearing of structures that block traffic before it is expected to be able to open within 2-3 days. -Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency