“It is fair” to step aside for the Move Forward Party, not sending anyone to compete for the Phitsanulok MP.

Parliament, "Pitipong" reveals talks with "Padipat" if disqualified, "Phitham Party" ready to step aside and not send anyone to compete for MP Phitsanulok, citing political scene, allowing the party instead "Move Forward" to proceed, hoping to use it as a stage for promotion Mr. Pitiphong Temcharoen, leader of the Phattharam Party, gave an interview that he had talked to Mr. Padipat Santipada, MP for Phitsanulok, Phattharam Party, about the political future after the Move Forward Party was dissolved by the Constitutional Court on August 7. If Mr. Padipat is disqualified because he holds the position of executive of the Phattharam Party, the Phattharam Party will not send a candidate to run for the vacant position and will leave it to the new political party that will replace the Phattharam Party to proceed because even though the Phattharam Party is well-known to the public, when considering the political landscape, when the new party that replaces the Phattharam Party sends a candidate, it will be consider ed as promoting the party to be known in the political arena. 'Of course, the person who will run for MP instead of Mr. Padipat must be someone that Mr. Padipat supports. I cannot provide details. However, as noted, Mr. Padipat came to the Thammarat Party as a form of nurturing. It is not because Mr. Padipat's original party is over,' said Mr. Pitiphong. Mr. Pitiphong Thanasiri, advisor to the first deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, said that in the event that Mr. Padipat's MP status ends according to the Constitutional Court's ruling, all positions must end, including those who perform their duties, including secretaries and advisors, which must end according to the end of his MP status. However, in terms of working guidelines for making the House transparent, he would like the person who takes over the position to continue to make the House truly belong to the people. Source: Thai News Agency