“Jurin” is confident that Samut Sakhon has raised the team

Jurin" leads the anti-Democracy army, number 26, to invade the Mahachai FC market, telling Samut Sakhon to choose this trip, raise the team 5-5-5.

Jurin Laksanawisit, leader of the Democrat Party The Jurin On Tour group arrives in Samut Sakhon Province. by paying homage to the City Pillar Image At the Samut Sakhon City Pillar Court, along with Mr. Chawapol Wattanapornmongkhon, candidate for Samut Sakhon District 1, No. 5, Mr. Thanawat Thongto, candidate for Samut Sakhon District 2, No. 5 and Mr. Nitirath Soonthornworn, candidate MP for Samut Sakhon, District 3, Number 5, then there were people in the area who submitted a letter to complain about the problem of foreign workers stealing jobs in the country. which Mr. Jurin received the book along with an interview with the media Before taking the group "Jurin On Tour" to meet the people's brothers and sisters to ask for support for candidates in all 3 districts, number 5-5-5 in Mahachai Market

Mr. Jurin gave an interview that Previously, there was news that Samut Sakhon will have the last 4 districts when the new districts are divided, resulting in only 3 districts, while the Democrats have already prepared candidates from the beginning of all 4 districts, but we are united. Mr. Phudis Kaewtrakulchot therefore applied for MP Sor. List form And went to the area to help the candidates in all 3 districts campaigning, which every district got number 5, all 3 people

“Phudis applied for party-list MPs. Democrat Party, number 26, same number as me As for the candidates for district number 5, all 3 of them match. Both districts 1-2-3 are 5-5-5. Therefore, the people will remember that. Samut Sakhon Democrat Party, 3 districts 5-5-5, then party number 26, the response is much better in Samut Sakhon, all 3 districts, we fight in every district and are confident that this trip we will also get elected, ”said Jurin.

The reporter reported that People in the area came to file complaints with the leader of the Democrat Party. In the event that foreigners enter the business which is stealing jobs for Thai people Mr. Jurin received a complaint letter. along with saying Democrats have a clear policy on this matter. We do not reject foreign workers. Because foreign workers are necessary for helping to develop our country's economy. And will make various industries and SMEs move forward. while Thailand faces labor shortage problems But this story also needs to be limited. Foreign workers cannot do anything illegal. In particular, it is impossible to do business in Thailand like a Thai person.

“When he came to make a complaint to get me to accept it, he welcomed it and understood it well. Then it will help solve the problem further. If the foreign worker he entered the city for labor But come to do business by yourself. And came to snatch Thai business. Can't do this, we will help solve this problem. and the policy is clear Foreign workers can come to use the workforce. but to do business cannot compete with Thai businesses This is the principle of democracy,” Mr. Jurin said.

Mr. Jurin mentioned the results of the poll stating that The outstanding performance of the Democrat Party is the farmer's income insurance policy. and one of the key images of democracy is Farmer income insurance policy, rice, oil, rubber, palm, corn, but in the past 4 years, we have done more than that. which in addition to income insurance problem solving fruit causing the fruit to have the highest price especially durian And this year will be even better. Because he has always pursued proactive and in-depth solutions. The big market for fruit products is China, which has always faced problems in land transportation. therefore solving the problem by transporting by boat and air instead For this year, land checkpoints have been fully opened. therefore turning to land transportation along with This year's fruit distribution has improved flexibility. which will make the price even better.

“Remembrance of Farmer's Income Insurance Policy considered a success for the party. because it is the policy of the Democrat Party If another party comes We are not sure if he will continue. But if we We will definitely move on. And also help farmers in all sectors, besides the image of income insurance Integrity I think that's what we always hold on to. and has been one of the main ideologies since the party's founding All the party leaders had treated this with their lives. from the past to me we don't change and prove to people that When we have power, we have opportunities, we don't cheat because we know that there is only one way to survive Thailand from now on. In addition to being a full-fledged democracy that is not half-fragmented, must be democratic, not cheating only If you get another cheater The country cannot survive again, ”said Mr. Jurin

Source: Thai News Agency