Just a little heavy Some retreats, no need to wait 10 months

“Wissanu” said there are many other ways. Just a little heavy, a little lighter, some retreats, no need to drag for 10 months, waiting for Senator to end the term, pointing out that although the time has expired, but you have to act until you get a new set. but has no power to vote for the Prime Minister

Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, Deputy Prime Minister Mentioned in the case of a proposal to extend the period for another 10 months so that the senators lose their power to vote for the prime minister, saying that he had never heard of him, but that all political parties would not allow this to happen. And the government itself doesn't want to live like that either. Each of them ran out of time and wanted to go their separate ways to earn their own livelihood.

As for the approach that the Kao Klai Party wants to propose, Mr. Wissanu said that the Pheu Thai Party said that it was the last resort because there were many other ways. And there's no use delaying like that. It's difficult for the government to appoint and transfer civil servants. It's difficult to use the middle budget. Can't propose a new budget to the council and in the meantime may have to answer questions The government has to answer by itself.

When asked if the law opens a gap in this matter, Mr. Wissanu said that's right, but why are we going to do that? when it was not so difficult to set up a government Just a little bit heavier, a little bit back, you can do it. He has said that the acting government is now I don't want to live like that On his own side, he didn't want it to be like that. And the more people don't want to be bigger want to see the government Regardless of which party, please come and become the government.

When asked if the senator had expired How should the next step be selected? Mr. Wissanu said that in the constitution it is written that during the selection of new senators, the old senators must continue acting. but cannot participate in the selection of the Prime Minister Because the Prime Minister was elected, he was locked up for 5 years. After completing 5 years on May 11, 2024, it was gone, which the senator expired as well.

“Senator, whose address is given to perform duties other than duties under Section 272, not to elect the Prime Minister. As for the selection of new senators, how long it will take is not known because there must be a child law for selection. selected by occupation not selected as a province This matter is handled by the Election Commission (ECT). The Election Commission will continue to plan the timeline, ”said Mr. Wissanu.

When asked whether there was an opportunity to amend the selection of senators to be elected, Mr. Wissanu said that senators were elected. just not directly elected It is a group of occupational selections and selections, but if it is to be revised from this matter, the constitution must be amended. which is considered a very, very big issue, even to the extent that a referendum may be required. The provisions of the selection of new senators are written in several sections. If you want to fix it, you have to dismantle it. But I don't think anyone would do that. In addition to writing a whole new constitution.

Source: Thai News Agency