Khon Kaen government raids online casinos Secretly opened for more than 4 years

Khon Kaen, The administrative department launches an operation. 'Send children home' raid and arrest an online gambling den in the middle of Khon Kaen city Reveals secretly opened for more than 4 years, circulating millions of baht It was found that the people involved were involved in drug trafficking. Every gambler urinates purple. In the middle of the night (January 12), the Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Special Operations Team Bring a warrant to the Khon Kaen Provincial Court Raiding online gambling dens in Kranuan District, besides secretly opening gambling dens It was also found that drugs were being sold to intoxicate children and youths. This operation was carried out by Mr. Ganesuan Kasa-in, Kranuan District Chief. Students' parents were informed that their children left the house to take drugs at night. Near Somdej Phra Yupparat Kranuan Hospital The said location is a commercial building. each day, especially after midnight There will be dozens of groups of children and youth coming in and out. and symptoms of intoxication similar to taking drugs Therefore reported to the governor of Khon Kaen Province. Later, administrative officials sent spies to the area to investigate. It was found that this gambling den has about 2-4 people watching over the front of the casino at all times. Behind the casino there is also another road connected. to make it easier to escape There will be cars parked away from the casino building in a way that blocks the path. Do not allow cars to pass. When a secret agent enters a casino and finds a child Many youths gamble and take drugs. The operation team then planned to arrest him. By blocking the entrance and exit This makes the gambler unable to escape. Before arresting the gambling den manager and several gamblers along with cash and bank accounts, checks found millions of baht in circulation. From a gambler's urine test Initially, it was found that everyone had purple urine. and there were 8 drugs (amphetamine pills). The owner admitted to selling drugs to gambl ers. Children and youth who come to gamble During the inspection of the store, there were still people who walked in as if they were drunk or on drugs. When asked, they admitted that they would come in and buy drugs. When the urine was tested, it was also found to be purple. They also found a paper sign posted on the restroom inside the store saying, 'Do not go to the restroom. Some customers took drugs to use in the bathroom' as well. Therefore, all the arrested persons were brought to make an arrest record at the Kranuan District Office. Initially, the prosecution charged them with conspiring to illegally organize and participate in gambling, and one suspect admitted to being a methamphetamine distributor. The store manager informed that this casino has been open for 4 years. Each day there will be 5 shifts per day. The owner of the casino also operates a large car tent business. Source: Thai News Agency