Khon Kaen private sector calls on new prime minister to urgently solve debt problems

Private sectors in Khon Kaen Province have asked the new Prime Minister to solve three domestic problems that can be immediately addressed: household debt, helping small entrepreneurs compete with foreign capital, and tackling corruption. Mr. Khemchat Somjaiwong, owner of Rajavadee Resort and Hotel, Khon Kaen Province, expressed his congratulations to the new Prime Minister and the people of Khon Kaen Province, who are waiting for the new leader to drive the country through various problems. He also left 3 important issues for the new Prime Minister and his team to resolve as follows: 1. Resolve the problems of farmer and household debt, such as expanding the credit line and reducing various interest rates; 2. Support medium-sized entrepreneurs who are facing problems of competition from foreign capital. He would like to enforce the tax law for equality so that entrepreneurs can survive; and 3. Resolve the problem of corruption, which he would like to make a national agenda that can be implemented immediate ly. The news team then traveled to Ban Khok Si fresh market in Khon Kaen Province to talk to locals and vendors about the possibility of a new prime minister, who expressed a variety of opinions. Ms. Kamkong Kasemsuphakul, a vendor in Khon Kaen Province, gave information that she would like to talk about the 10,000 baht digital wallet. She wants it to be cash so that it can be used to pay for things like water and electricity bills, which can help stimulate the economy very well. It is also a policy of the Pheu Thai Party. If Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra is appointed as a female prime minister, she wants everyone to give the new generation a chance to run the country. While Mr. Phairat Ratchabuanoi, a trader, expressed his opinion that if there is a new Prime Minister, he would like to see the economy developed for the better, including raising agricultural prices, including going to meet people in every province to find out about the real living conditions of the people and their needs, and then improve th em. Ratchaneeporn Kaebsing, a vendor, said she would like to ask the new prime minister and his team to take care of the people's economy and livelihoods to improve because the cost of living is high, expenses are high, and the daily wage is not balanced. However, both the private sector and the people of Khon Kaen Province expressed their opinions in the same direction that they wanted the economy to be fixed first. As for small and medium-sized business owners, including the people, they wanted the digital wallet project to continue to stimulate the economy. Source: Thai News Agency