“Lawyer Tum” files a complaint to investigate the gambling website network linked to the Minister.

Parliament, "Lawyer Tum" submits evidence to the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) committee to investigate the online gambling website network linked to the Minister, saying that he is aware that the Minister has filed a complaint in Phayao Province, indicating that everything depends on the police whether to take action or not. Sittra Biabangkerd, or Lawyer Tum, Secretary-General of the People's Lawyer Team Foundation, submitted evidence of gambling websites related to the network of the sons of former senators who are involved with politicians to Lertsak Pattanachaikul, Chairman of the House of Representatives' Anti-Money Laundering and Narcotics Committee, so that the committee can be informed and follow up on the progress. Sittra said that he had previously submitted this matter to the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) since June, but the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) arrested him first. The AMLO has not seized any assets yet, so he would like the committee to request bank account i nformation because there are government officials involved in online gambling websites and may be linked to important political figures. Mr. Sittra said that the information submitted today, the letter previously submitted to the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO), and the statement from the bank, which is information of related persons, which has transferred 30-40 million baht per transaction and distributed to various accounts, if the committee can investigate, they will know who is involved in online gambling websites, which are not just one website as the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) police have arrested, in which the committee has the authority to investigate the information. As for whether the statement from the bank can be linked to the minister, Mr. Sittra stated, 'No, but it is related to Mr. Hu's gang, who are the sons of former senators, who have a lot of revolving funds, which is the same matter that I previously submitted to the Anti-Money Laundering Office before the police ar rested them.' Sittra said he had learned that a politician was taking legal action against him in Phayao Province, but he was still confused about whether he was feeling stressed or not because he had not yet specified which minister it was. He only corrected the news to Pol Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, because some people tried to accuse him of being Pol Gen Patcharawat, which was not true, and he had never mentioned the minister's name, not even his initials. "But those who know that they are involved in gambling websites, when they know they are doing it, it's normal to feel anxious," said Mr. Sittra. As for whether the evidence can be used to prosecute, Sittra said that the evidence could be used to prosecute the Bangkok Council and the police officers, but the minister did not create the website himself but accepted it as a phantom share and paid in cash. To prosecute, the financial trail must be examined, and it depends on the police officers. It is beyond his ability to handle it, but he believes that every criminal, when they commit a crime, will always leave traces. It is up to the police to take action or not. He did not file a complaint with the Cyber ??Police from the beginning. He knew that he was close to many people, such as the aforementioned Bangkok Council member, who had a photo of himself with the former Cyber ??Police Commander, having dinner together, and said that he was his brother, who was in the most prosperous era of online gambling. He was still confused as to why Big Jang, Pol. Lt. Gen. Korchai Klaiklueng, knew the people who created the online gambling website. And did he know that these people were involved with the online gambling website? Mr Sittra said that from the information he has, there is a Line chat with a person whose name is similar to a Bangkok council member and there is a person who responded to the chat named "Earthza" who is a team member of a minister and now the Line name has been changed. The Line group is likely to be a discussion to give orders to make an online gambling website. Mr. Sittra said that he came out to take action on this matter to encourage police officers who want to do things for the people and want online gambling websites to disappear because they are destroying society. After arresting the son of a former senator, it was a website related to depositing and withdrawing money, which led to the expansion of the investigation to arrest in many other places. He believes that soon there will be big news, maybe arresting someone bigger than the son of a former senator. Sittra also revealed that after the minister filed a complaint against him, many people contacted him. If they wanted to talk nicely, he would be ready to talk because he was considerate of his friends. However, he did not like being threatened by his elders and had promised not to mention them too much, except for the Bangkok Council and the police involved, who already had evidence. Source: Thai News Agency