“Lawyer Tum” has sent information to the opposition.

Parliament, "Lawyer Tum" submits a letter to "Khao Klai" asking to investigate the police chief's involvement in the gambling website. "Chaithawat" asks the Prime Minister to seriously investigate. Don't be a boxer and knock people out. Mr. Sitra Biabangkerd or Attorney Tum submitted a letter to Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Forward Party as leader of the opposition, saying that he would like to investigate senior police officers. Who has the position of Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police (Commander) whose financial route is linked to tribute accounts, various gambling websites, and also links to the family. The opposition leader coordinated to request information related to corruption. 'I want all sectors of society to be proactive about the issue of corruption. Corruption like Mr. Chaithawat who came to receive the book today. I handed it to both Mr. Chaithawat And Mr. Rangsiman Rome, I will consult with you on what we can do to solve the problems of tribute, dishonesty, and corruption in gov ernment circles in which high-ranking government officials are involved. I want the problem to be solved more sustainably,' Mr. Sitra said. As for if you have access to the council's process And the whole system of girls or not? Mr. Sitra said that after listening to Mr. Chaithawat, he became more confident. Now the adults in the country are starting to see the importance of tribute. Corruption problems The Prime Minister tries to invite foreigners to invest in the country. But Thailand still has problems with corruption. Therefore, it is feared that foreigners will not believe in investing in Thailand. Mr. Chaithawat said that the matter of alleged corruption Especially in the police industry Whether it's a matter of tribute or having a senior police officer involved in illegal business We as the opposition It must be important to follow up and find information. In fact, the person who should come to ask for information from Lawyer Tum. should be prime minister Because the Prime Minister set up a committee to investigate this matter. Therefore, you should receive this set of information. 'We as the opposition It is expected that the committee set up by the Prime Minister will not be a boxing match to manipulate the audience. Because it will be just a divorce and a quiet break up. We confirm that the matter of tribute Especially in the police circle It's a very big deal. Because when can't this problem be solved? It will affect The mission of the police officers should be to focus on taking care of the safety of the people. After this, we will have to check the information to see if there is anything we need to proceed with,' Mr. Chaithawat said. When asked whether he could announce the information he received tomorrow or not, Mr. Chaithawat said he would have to see what was there first. and understood that it was probably related to what Mr. Sitra had already made a statement about You'll have to ask to see it first. Source: Thai News Agency