Let the Election Commission submit additional documents within 7 days.

Constitutional Court, The Constitutional Court has not yet considered whether to accept or not accept the Election Commission's request to dissolve "Kao Kai" on the grounds that some of the petition documents are unclear. Submit again within 7 days. Reporters report that the Constitutional Court has received a petition filed by Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission (EC), in his capacity as political party registrar. which has been assigned by the Election Commission to file complaints and prosecute cases on behalf of the Election Commission. has filed a petition with the Constitutional Court requesting it to consider ordering the dissolution of the Kao Klai Party and stripping the rights of the party's executive committee members in accordance with the Political Parties Act, Section 92, paragraph one (1) and (2), on the grounds that there is reasonable evidence to believe that the party Going far in overthrowing the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State. a nd acted in an manner that may be hostile to democratic governance with the King as Head of State just before noon (20 March) by submitting through the electronic E-filing system as specified by the Constitutional Court. However, the Constitutional Court has not yet considered whether to accept or not accept the request today. Because of the request that the Election Commission asks the Constitutional Court to consider and decide to order the dissolution of the Kaew Klai Party (Consideration matter No. 10/2024) There are still some unclear documents. Therefore, the petitioner is requested to send a clear version of the document within 7 days from the date of receipt of the letter. Source: Thai News Agency