“Livestock” raids a cold storage in the middle of the city tucked almost half a ton of wild meat

BANGKOK, June 2- "Cyber Livestock Inspector" discovered online meat advertisements. suspected of smuggling therefore raided a cold storage in Chatuchak area, found buffalo meat, beef and pork, including the expected offal It is 432.8 kilograms of contraband goods. There is cheap meat at only 100 baht, suitable for use in a la carte restaurants. grilled buffet restaurant Preparing for prosecution under the Act. animal epidemic

Mr. Somchuan Veterinarian Rattana Mangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development revealed that Order the Cyber Livestock Inspector Task Force (DCU) to inspect the movement of livestock products in the Chatuchak area. Bangkok According to complaints from the public that There are advertisements for selling meat online in the TikTok and Facebook applications, so we searched for more information and found that there are advertisements incentivizing the sale of imported meat at a cheap price of only 100 baht, suitable for use in a la carte restaurants. noodle shop and buffet restaurants with affordable per capita prices. officials suspect Meat is imported as advertised. is wild meat

Then they invaded to inspect the cold storage of Phasuthanavi Limited Partnership, Chatuchak District, and found the storage of trimmed meat and offal parts of buffaloes, cattle and pigs as follows:

1. Buffalo carcass (cut meat) originating from Malaysia 145.64 kg.

2. Cow carcass (cut meat), source unknown, 15.5 kg.

3.. Pig carcass (cut meat and entrails), source unknown, 300 kg.

The officials therefore seized all the animal carcasses in the aforementioned cold storage. and notify the product owner to bring the documents for importing carcasses Documents for moving carcasses Animal Hygiene Certificate and related documents to show at the Police and Quarantine Division Department of Livestock Development within 7 working days, with the officers having recorded a daily record as evidence at the Phaholyothin Police Station. If such documents cannot be presented 2558 Animal Epidemic Act B.E. 2558, Section 31, paragraph 1, for the purpose of prevention and control of epidemics, anyone importing, exporting or bringing through the kingdom animals or carcasses A permit must be obtained from the Director-General. or the person assigned by the Director-General every time it is imported Export or bring through the Kingdom punishable under section 68, imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, fine not exceeding 200 000 baht or both, and Section 22 when announcing a temporary epidemic area or declare an epidemic area or an epidemic surveillance area, it is forbidden for anyone to move animals or carcasses as specified in such announcements into, out, through, or within that area. Unless permitted in writing by the veterinarian in charge of that area for every move. punishable under section 65, imprisonment for not more than 2 years, a fine of not more than 40,000 baht, or both.

In the past, the Department of Livestock Development strictly monitored and prevented the smuggling of illegal meat into the kingdom. Along with inspecting cold storage across the country to seriously prevent and suppress the smuggling of meat The aforementioned problems are considered to have damaged the entire Thai animal husbandry industry. especially small farmers It may also cause the spread of animal epidemics. As well as making people at risk of consuming livestock products that do not have quality and standards. The Department of Livestock Development therefore hastened to continually solve the problem. If wrongdoing is found, prosecution will be considered to the utmost. as well as instructing the livestock officers and agencies in the area to carry out inspections Report and implement strict penalties for offenders.

However, if people want to report clues about smuggling, moving Or more information can be contacted at the district livestock office or the provincial livestock office near the house. or the Department of Livestock Development hotline, call 063-225-6888, or a cyber livestock inspector, call 02-501-3473, or notify via Application: DLD 4.0 at any time.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency