Looking at “Thaksin’s” comeback in politics, it must be under the rules.

Parliament, "Rangsiman" sees "Thaksin's" comeback in politics must be under the rules, accept scrutiny, causing the public to be confused about who is the real PM after finding the minister following him. Rangsiman Rome, MP for the Move Forward Party, spoke about the case of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra preparing to take office in August after his official release from prison, saying that it is Thaksin's right to do so if it is in accordance with the law. However, if such an appointment is true, it must not violate the law, but he did not know the details and had to consider how much he could do. Politically, there are parties who oppose Thaksin's role, but if Thaksin takes some responsibility, officially and legally, the Move Forward Party, as the inspector, is ready to inspect the authority and use of the budget to see if it is correct or not. Mr. Rangsiman also said that his personal view of Mr. Thaksin's role in going to the area and having ministers following him raised the question of who is the real prime minister. Because when there are ministers following Mr. Thaksin, it definitely does not have a good effect on Mr. Settha Thavisin because it makes Mr. Settha's leadership gradually decrease. As for Mr. Thaksin's travels, are there any political dimensions that send signals? Mr. Rangsiman said that those who watch politics must think quite a bit, but it cannot be denied that there may be political connections. As an MP working in the parliament, he gives importance to the issue of work. If there is a need to change policies or implement certain policies for the benefit of the country, the people, who should he talk to? 'It is an important matter for the country. If there are two prime ministers, there will definitely be problems with the administration. For example, in the past in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi was a person who played a role but could not become prime minister, which was an unusual situation. I don't know if Thaksin thought of this model or not, but no matter which model is use d, the country will definitely have problems,' said Mr. Rangsiman. As for Thaksin's movement, does it affect the Move Forward Party, both locally and nationally? Rangsiman said that local or national politics must follow the rules. In this era, people want to see stable politics, politics that are not dramatic, and straightforward. The Move Forward Party's selling point is that it performs its duties straightforwardly, which has received good responses from the people. People want to see politics like this. If it is a person exercising power, they must use their power straightforwardly. If it is politics that is manipulative, there are people exercising power, but another person is responsible, causing problems in the administration. He believes that the people do not want to see politics like this. If Thaksin has a political position, which he is not sure what kind, Thaksin must be under scrutiny. He believes that today society feels that between Settha and Thaksin, who has more power? When asked again whe ther some people thought that Thaksin's campaign was to seize the masses from Move Forward, Rangsiman said that competing for the masses or policies is something that both parties must compete for, and it is normal in politics. However, doing so must follow the rules. He confirmed that from his personal perspective, he wanted to see the country move forward and develop. As for the opposition, it has a role in scrutinizing and suggesting whether the government will do it or not. It cannot be forced. It is up to the government to consider and society to voice its opinion. If Thaksin intends to use his power, he must be under the scrutiny of the opposition as well. Source: Thai News Agency