‘Maris’ promotes digital economy and green economy

Lao PDR, "Maris", Foreign Minister, joins the ASEAN-US Foreign Ministers' Meeting, promoting the digital economy and green economy, and cooperation in public health. Mr. Maris Sangiampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the ASEAN-US Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Vientiane. At the meeting, Thailand promoted cooperation with the United States under the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) in line with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) and the US Indo-Pacific Strategy to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth. On this occasion, the Thai side also raised 2 main issues to strengthen relations: the transition to a digital economy and a green economy by strengthening digital capabilities and skills to reduce the gap between digital development, promoting the transition to clean energy, including the development of an electric vehicle ecosystem in ASEAN, and public health cooperation to develop a public health system that can prevent and respond to public health emergencies, inclu ding resolving transboundary haze problems. The Foreign Ministers also attended the 3rd Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) Ministerial Meeting, where the meeting welcomed the development of the MUSP framework and commended the constructive contribution of the United States in supporting the prosperity and sustainable development of the Mekong sub-region over the past 15 years. The meeting exchanged views on future cooperation directions and endorsed the new MUSP Implementation Plan (2024-26), which outlines cooperation guidelines in four main areas: economic connectivity; sustainable water and natural resource management and use; and environmental conservation; addressing new security issues; and human resource development. On this occasion, the Minister reiterated Thailand's readiness to assume the co-chairship of the MUSP framework with the United States in 2025 to drive closer cooperation among MUSP member countries, especially in promoting the digital economy, digital transformation, cooperation in solving ne w forms of security issues, including drug and human trafficking, cybersecurity, online fraud, and dealing with transboundary air pollution. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also attended the 14th East Asia Summit (EAS FMM) in Vientiane, reviewed and set the direction of cooperation under the EAS, and discussed preparations for the 19th East Asia Summit in October this year. The meeting also exchanged views on regional and international issues, such as Myanmar, the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and the Middle East. Source: Thai News Agency