“Meteorological Department” warns of summer storms – watch out for cyclones

Bangkok, May 6- Meteorological Department warns. From May 8-13, upper Thailand may be affected by both summer storms and cyclones. together with a mass of cold air from China and the Pacific Ocean spreading over the east of the northeast Including a low pressure cell forming in the South China Sea. Resulting in more thunderstorms and heavy rain in some places In the southern part, there will be more rain and be careful of high waves.

Miss Chomphari Chomphurat, Director-General of the Meteorological Department, said The Meteorological Department has issued a warning about Summer storms will affect upper Thailand during 8-10 May because the moderate high pressure area or cold air mass from China will extend to upper Thailand and the South China Sea. As a result, the southern and southeastern winds that bring moisture from the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea to cover upper Thailand are stronger, while upper Thailand has hot to very hot weather.

Therefore, there will be thunderstorms, gusty winds and hail in some places. Including there may be lightning in some areas. Ask people to be careful of the dangers of summer storms. by avoiding being in the open air under the big tree unhealthy buildings and billboards should not wear metal and avoid using mobile phones during thunderstorms As for farmers, they should be prepared to prevent and beware of damage that will occur to agricultural products and dangers to pets during these days and times.

at the same time Still have to watch out for low pressure patches that form in the Andaman Sea. covered bay of bengal It is likely to intensify into a cyclone and is expected to move to cover the central Bay of Bengal. tends to move towards the north able to enter Myanmar which will result in the strong southwest wind that prevails over the Andaman Sea and the South More rains are expected in the South with heavy to very heavy rain in some places. Wind waves in the Andaman Sea are strong. The upper Andaman Sea has a wave height of 2-3 meters and more than 3 meters in thunderstorm areas, while the lower Andaman Sea has waves about 2 meters high and more than 2 meters in thunderstorm areas. 13 May Ask all sailors in the Andaman Sea to navigate with caution and avoid sailing in thunderstorm areas. Small boats in the Andaman Sea should stay ashore during this time.

It was also found that The low pressure cell over the central South China Sea tends to intensify. It is expected to move to cover central Vietnam on 10-11 May and weaken rapidly. Resulting in continuous thunderstorms in the Northeast.

Miss Chomparee said From today (May 6), the wind direction is variable. Beginning to signal a change in wind direction to the west and southwest winds blowing from the Andaman Sea to the south west coast. The rain will begin to move from the west to the east. During this period, if there is rain Should find a way to store and reserve rainwater for use during the period of low rain. It is likely that during the rainy season this year the rain will be less than normal.

People are asked to follow the weather forecast from the Meteorological Department closely and can follow the information on the Thai Meteorological Department website. http://www.tmd.go.th or at 0-2399-4012-13 and 1182 available 24 hours a day.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency