Meteorological Department warns upper Thailand to prepare for “summer storms”

Bangkok, The Meteorological Department warns upper Thailand to prepare for "summer storms" with thunderstorms, strong wind gusts and hail in some places. Meteorological Department Revealing low pressure due to heat covering upper Thailand. This causes the area to have hot weather in many areas. Meanwhile, the high pressure area or cold air mass from China has spread to cover Vietnam and upper Laos. It is expected to spread down to cover the eastern side of the Northeast and the South China Sea today (24 Feb. '24), along with the southerly and southeast winds blowing over the Gulf of Thailand and Thailand. This type of thing will cause summer storms to occur in upper Thailand. It is characterized by thunderstorms, strong winds and hail in some places. Including lightning that may occur. People in the area are asked to be careful of the dangers of summer storms that may occur. By avoiding being in the open air. under the big tree Unhealthy buildings and billboards For farmers, they should prepare to prevent a nd be careful of damage to agricultural products and danger to pets during these days and times. Dust in this period: Northern and Northeastern regions There is moderate to high accumulation of dust/smog. Because the wind that blows over it is weak. and has poor ventilation . Source: Thai News Agency